Vieną gražų šios savaitės rytą, berods, pirmadienio, Lietuvos nacionalinis transliuotojas LTV laidoje "Labas rytas" pranešė stulbinančią naujieną.
Pasirodo, italų mokslininkai susidomėjo, domėjosi, aiškinosi ir galop išsiaiškino, kas yra meilė.
Taigi, paaiškėjo, kad meilė yra liga!
Maniau, kad mūsų LTV kiek pasišaipys iš tokio Cezario pavaldinių palikuonių "atradimo", na, gal prisimins posakį "iš didelio rašto išėjo iš krašto" ir tiek.
Bet ne taip buvo.
LTV ėmė kalbinti iš anksto atsivestą lietuvę gydytoją, kuri ėmėsi švelninti situaciją šnekėdama jog ji nenorėtų traktuoti meilę kaip ligą, na, nebent jau visiškai kraštutiniu atveju.
Atseit, jei jau labai labai myli, tai jau gal ir esi ligonis/ė!
LTV ne vieniša.
Štai ir autorė skelbia kad meilė - liga, turinti Pasaulinės sveikatos organizacijos kodą F63.9.
F63.9 Habit and impulse disorder, unspecified
Ne meilės tas kodas.
Meilė - ne liga.
Tai kam jie tokius niekus viešai plepa?
Kam meluoja?
Štai ligos:
F64.0 Transsexualism
A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one's anatomic sex, and a wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment to make one's body as congruent as possible with one's preferred sex.
F64.1 Dual-role transvestism
The wearing of clothes of the opposite sex for part of the individual's existence in order to enjoy the temporary experience of membership of the opposite sex, but without any desire for a more permanent sex change or associated surgical reassignment, and without sexual excitement accompanying the cross-dressing.
Gender identity disorder of adolescence or adulthood, nontranssexual type
O štai jaunų panelių žurnalas "Panelė" tų jaunų panelių apie tai neperspėja, nė neužsimena.
Man atrodo, kad šitoks "Panelės" elgesys vertas daugiau negu nu nu nu!
Man atrodo, kad tikrai sergame.
Ir LTV, ir, ir tuo labiau "Panelė".
Tik, deja, ligos vardas - ne meilė.
Kažkas ta liga stengiasi mūsų dar ne taip seniai gerokai sveikesnę visuomenę užkrėsti.
Ar tas kažkas - ne tas pats, kas įsigudrino užkrėsti mus Didžiąja Kvailumo Liga - pinigais?
Visuomenė, už palūkanas besiskolinanti iš nieko daromus pinigus, atsisakiusi kontroliuoti jų gamintojus, dėl tų pinigų pasiryžusi vos ne viskam, galvojanti besanti tiems pinigų darytojams skolinga - tikrai serga.
Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijai vertėtų tai ligai suteikti kodą ir imtis mus gydyti.
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (Swedish: Sveriges riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne), often referred to as the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, or Nobel Prize in Economics is an award for outstanding contributions in the field of economics and is generally considered one of the most prestigious awards in that field. It is commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics and it is identified with the Nobel Prizes, although it is not one of the five Nobel Prizes (in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace) which were established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895. The Prize in Economics, as it is frequently referred to by the Nobel Foundation, is a prize established and funded by the Bank of Sweden, in memory of Alfred Nobel. It was instituted in 1968 on the 300th anniversary of Sveriges Riksbank (the central bank of Sweden, sometimes called the Bank of Sweden or the Swedish National Bank). It was first awarded in 1969 to the Dutch and Norwegian economists Jan Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch, "for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes." Like the Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics, Laureates in Economics are selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
"reward," 1590s, alteration of M.E. prise (c.1300 in this sense; see price).
Price - kaina.
prize (v.)
"to estimate," 1586, alteration of M.E. prisen "to prize, value," from stem of O.Fr. preisier (see praise).
praise (v.)
c.1225, from O.Fr. preisier "to praise, value," from L.L. preciare, earlier pretiare (c.550, see price).
Vėl kaina.
Galima būtų pamanyti, kad prizų laimėtojai tą prizą ir kainuoja - toks, atseit, užmanymas.
prize (n.2)
"something taken by force," c.1386, from O.Fr. prise "a taking, seizing, holding," prop. fem. pp. of prendre "to take, seize," from L. prendere, contraction of prehendere (see prehensile). Especially of ships captured at sea (1512).
1781, from Fr. préhensile (Buffon), from L. prehensus, pp. of prehendere "to grasp, to seize," from præ- "before" + -hendere, related to hedera "ivy," via notion of "clinging," and cognate with Gk. khandanein "to take in, hold" (see get).
c.1200, from O.N. geta "to obtain, reach" (p.t. gatum, pp. getenn), from P.Gmc. *getan (cf. O.E. begietan "to beget," O.Swed. gissa "to guess," lit. "to try to get"), from PIE base *ghe(n)d- "seize" (cf. Gk. khandanein "to hold, contain," Lith. godetis "be eager," second element in L. prehendere "to grasp, seize," Welsh gannu "to hold, contain," O.C.S. gadati "to guess, suppose"). Meaning "to seize mentally, grasp" is from 1892. O.E., as well as Du. and Fris., had the root only in compounds.
gódėtis, -ėjasi, -ėjosi didžiuotis: Uršė baisiai gódėjas savo silkine kuskele Vkš.
Matematikams Nobelis irgi savo premijos nedavė.
Plepa, kad nedavė todėl, kad matematikas jam "ragus" įtaisęs.
Tai matematikai ir apsieina be jos, be premijos - savo prizų įsisteigė ir pas Nobelį nebelenda: The Fields Medal is often described as the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics" for the prestige it carries, though in most other ways the relatively new Abel Prize is a more direct analogue.
Kodėl ekonomistams Nobelis nedavė prizo, nežinau.
Gal broliams Nobeliams naftos biznio rykliai iš užjūrio nepatiko: The foreign capital inflow to Baku increased toward the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries (Nobels, Rothschilds, Vishau and others)?
Nedavė Nobelis jiems prizo ir nedavė.
Bet ekonomistai, skirtingai, negu matematikai, nenurimo be Nobelio vardo.
Lenda jie pas Nobelį su švedų Riksbanko prizu, ir baigta.
"reward," 1590s, alteration of M.E. prise (c.1300 in this sense; see price).
Price - kaina.
prize (v.)
"to estimate," 1586, alteration of M.E. prisen "to prize, value," from stem of O.Fr. preisier (see praise).
praise (v.)
c.1225, from O.Fr. preisier "to praise, value," from L.L. preciare, earlier pretiare (c.550, see price).
Vėl kaina.
Galima būtų pamanyti, kad prizų laimėtojai tą prizą ir kainuoja - toks, atseit, užmanymas.
prize (n.2)
"something taken by force," c.1386, from O.Fr. prise "a taking, seizing, holding," prop. fem. pp. of prendre "to take, seize," from L. prendere, contraction of prehendere (see prehensile). Especially of ships captured at sea (1512).
1781, from Fr. préhensile (Buffon), from L. prehensus, pp. of prehendere "to grasp, to seize," from præ- "before" + -hendere, related to hedera "ivy," via notion of "clinging," and cognate with Gk. khandanein "to take in, hold" (see get).
c.1200, from O.N. geta "to obtain, reach" (p.t. gatum, pp. getenn), from P.Gmc. *getan (cf. O.E. begietan "to beget," O.Swed. gissa "to guess," lit. "to try to get"), from PIE base *ghe(n)d- "seize" (cf. Gk. khandanein "to hold, contain," Lith. godetis "be eager," second element in L. prehendere "to grasp, seize," Welsh gannu "to hold, contain," O.C.S. gadati "to guess, suppose"). Meaning "to seize mentally, grasp" is from 1892. O.E., as well as Du. and Fris., had the root only in compounds.
gódėtis, -ėjasi, -ėjosi didžiuotis: Uršė baisiai gódėjas savo silkine kuskele Vkš.
Matematikams Nobelis irgi savo premijos nedavė.
Plepa, kad nedavė todėl, kad matematikas jam "ragus" įtaisęs.
Tai matematikai ir apsieina be jos, be premijos - savo prizų įsisteigė ir pas Nobelį nebelenda: The Fields Medal is often described as the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics" for the prestige it carries, though in most other ways the relatively new Abel Prize is a more direct analogue.
Kodėl ekonomistams Nobelis nedavė prizo, nežinau.
Gal broliams Nobeliams naftos biznio rykliai iš užjūrio nepatiko: The foreign capital inflow to Baku increased toward the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries (Nobels, Rothschilds, Vishau and others)?
Nedavė Nobelis jiems prizo ir nedavė.
Bet ekonomistai, skirtingai, negu matematikai, nenurimo be Nobelio vardo.
Lenda jie pas Nobelį su švedų Riksbanko prizu, ir baigta.