
Kas Pilotas?

Paskutines šešias sekundes prieš sudūžtant lėktuvui pilotų kabinoje girdėjosi tik „nežmoniški klyksmai“, sakė šaltinis.

Pilotai nieko negalėjo padaryti su lėktuvu, ir jis priekiu rėžėsi į žemę.
Pilotai ne pilotai...

Kas Pilotas?

Kerry ir Putino paslaptis

„Šiandien, kai pamačiau, kaip lipate iš lėktuvo ir nešate savo daiktus, šiek tiek susikrimtau. Viena vertus, tai labai demokratiška, bet kita vertus, pagalvojau: JAV padėtis tikrai prasta, jeigu nebėra kam padėti valstybės sekretoriui panešti lagaminą“, – V.Putinas pajuokavo prieš prasidedant jųdviejų deryboms Kremliuje, per kurias J.Kerry stengėsi pakeisti Rusijos lyderio poziciją dėl Sirijos prezidento Basharo al Assado.
„Su (JAV) ekonomika lyg ir viskas gerai, didelių darbuotojų atleidimų nevyksta, – sarkastiškai tęsė V.Putinas, žvelgdamas į besišypsantį J.Kerry. – Po to pagalvojau: galbūt tame lagamine buvo kažkas, ko negalėjot niekam patikėti; kažkas vertinga. Ko gera, pinigų 
atvežė, kad mums būtų parankiau derėtis dėl esminių klausimų.“
„Kai liksime akis į akį, parodysiu jums, kas mano lagamine, – replikavo J.Kerry. – Manau, būsit maloniai nustebintas.“
Kai Rusijos valstybinės televizijos žurnalistai per vėliau surengtą spaudos konferenciją užklausė apie to lagamino turinį, J.Kerry leido suprasti, kad šio (??) reikalo viešai neaptarinės.

The EU has not become a global player and it turned out that key issues on the agenda are to be settled yet again in a bipolar format by two superpowers, that is Russia and the US...




Belgian intelligence agencies refused to cooperate with the United States

Reuters: after Paris attacks, Belgian intelligence agencies refused to cooperate with the United States
Март 24 2016 12:01
In the period between the series of terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13 and explosions in Brussels on March 22, American intelligence attempted cooperation with the secret services of Belgium to combat terrorism. However, the Belgians refused to work with their American counterparts, citing the employment.

Shortly after the Paris terrorist attacks, a senior us official in the sphere of combating terrorism, traveling in Europe, wanted to visit Brussels to get more information about the investigation, according to Reuters. When the U.S. tried to organize meetings, the Belgian partners have not welcomed the initiative, said people familiar with the situation American officials. The Belgians considered the period after the attacks in Paris failed for contacts with foreign colleagues because they were too busy with the investigation, told the news Agency on condition of anonymity.

Belgian officials have declined to comment on the information. The refusal of Brussels from the collaboration was only one reason for the growing disappointment with the U.S. behaviour of Belgium on the background of aggravation of the threat posed by Islamic state (terrorist group forbidden in the Russian Federation), notes Reuters.

— IG has prepared 400 fighters for attacks in Europe

Some U.S. official said that cooperation with Belgium in the field of security is preventing the provision of the Brussels fragmentary data and significant differences in willingness of different agencies to work with other countries, even if it is on nearby allies.

When U.S. intelligence is trying to contact the Belgian agencies for information, often American intelligence agencies are struggling to figure out which Agency or part has the necessary information, told Reuters a source in the government of the United States.

At the same time, some U.S. officials in the field of counter-terrorism believe that between the United States and Belgium (and other European countries) there is a significant cultural gap. Europeans are more strongly committed to the principle of inviolability of private life. This often prevents information sharing between intelligence agencies or delays the provision of data, for example, the movements of the citizens. In the USA the admission of intelligence agencies like the information is perceived as a matter of course, notes Reuters.

After the attacks of 11 September 2001 the US radically changed the principles of their anti-terrorist agencies. The «wall» between law enforcement and intelligence bodies were broken, new structures — the national intelligence service and the national center for combating terrorism. Belgium, by contrast, is a «patchwork state», where a split between the Francophone and Dutch-speaking language.

Belgium does not disclose the exact number of employees in its security and intelligence services, but experts in this field claim that the country is experiencing a deficit of resources compared to other European States. «Add to this the problem of two languages (French and Flemish), the lack of Arabic-speaking and poor coordination between national and local authorities, and you will get huge mismatch between threat and response,» said a former CIA officer and former White house adviser Bruce Riedel, currently working at the Brookings Institute.

On the eve of a senior intelligence officer U.S. compared employees of Belgian security services with «children». Methods of intelligence in Belgium it is called «horse radish». Washington is unhappy that warning US about the threat of terrorist attacks did not save the Belgians from the tragedy.
In this case, after the Paris attacks, Belgium proposed to dramatically increase the budget of the security sector. The government promised to increase by 2.5 thousand people, the number of staff of the Federal police who are involved in the most major crimes. The Belgian authorities also argue that in January 2015 prevented a large-scale attack. In the monitoring Committee for security and intelligence of Belgium recognized the need to cooperate with the United States, but recall that «the big powers are guarded by their security forces very closely».

Meanwhile, among all European countries in Belgium per capita is the highest number of fighters who travel to fight in Syria, despite all the efforts of the security services. «They got behind the ball and will pay a terrible price,» said Adam Schiff, a senior Democrat on the Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress. In turn, state Department spokesman mark Toner said: «I will not say that Belgium was caught off guard or didn’t realize. You know, we work, we work with Belgium in close cooperation».

Concern that security and intelligence small European country is overloaded and that their cooperation with the allies is not enough, re-emerged after a series of attacks in Brussels on 22 March. Two explosions thundered at the international airport in Brussels on Tuesday around 08:00 local time. The third explosion occurred in the subway at the station «Malbec». Responsibility for the attack took on terrorist group «Islamic state».

According to the latest data, from the explosion 31 people died and another 300 were injured of varying severity.

Pilietika, o ne politika

Statistikos departamentas šią savaitę driokstelėjo liūdną žinią: pernai iš Lietuvos emigravo 44,5 tūkst. žmonių, tai 7,9 tūkst. (21,6 proc.) žmonių daugiau negu prieš metus.
Kitaip tariant, 
praėjusiais metais Lietuvą paliko Marijampolės dydžio miestas.

Dar daugiau: kaip rodo naujausi Lietuvos banko duomenys, 2015 m., palyginti su 2014 m., emigrantų perlaidos susitraukė net 22,1 proc.

Taigi, išvykstančiųjų skaičiai vis dar dramatiški, taip laukiamų emigrantų perlaidų Lietuvos ekonomika sulaukia mažiau, bet Lietuvos politikai ta proga nusprendžia nukirsti paskutinę šaką ir vos keliais balsais nepritarti balsavimo sistemos internetu sukūrimui ir įgyvendinimui.

Tačiau tai, vienok, visai netrukdo jiems rūpintis užsienyje gyvenančių lietuvių gerove. „Ryšiai su užsienio lietuviais“, „Lietuvos pilietybės išsaugojimas“, „įtraukimas į politinį gyvenimą“, „vienybės grėsmių akivaizdoje būtinybė“ – tai tarsi pasakos apie Globalią Lietuvą elementai, itin mėgstami politikų prieš rinkimus, didžiąsias metų šventes, paskelbus statistinius duomenis ar susitikus su pasaulio lietuviais užsienyje.



"Mūsiškiai" à Bruxelles

As the news broke of explosions in Brussels, images of the deadly chaos quickly began to appear on social media - but at least two widely shared videos were misleading.

Two explosions hit Zaventem airport at about 07:00 GMT, and another struck Maelbeek metro station an hour later. At least 31 people have been killed and many have been seriously injured in the attacks.

One video appearing to capture the moment the airport blast happened was posted online and sent to the BBC. The date on the video claimed the footage was from 22 March, but in reality it was CCTV material from a bomb attack at Domodedovo Airport in Russia in 2011.
This still from a video shows a bomb explosion at Domodedovo airport in Russia, in 2011, and is not a picture from Zaventem airport as some claimed on social media.

But it wasn't just the airport footage that was being posted on social networks. Video of an explosion on a metro system tagged to the #Malbeek tragedy was also appearing and being shared.
Again through careful checks, this black and white footage was found to have come from an attack in Belarus when 15 people were killed in an explosion on the Minsk Metro in 2011. The original timestamp had been removed.
The misleading videos which don't show the Brussels attacks.

Kurie gi "mūsiškiai"?


Serbų partizanų žudynių
"puošia" Vanagaitės "Mūsiškių" ketvirtąjį viršelį.

Knyga pagrįsta Lietuvos istorikų įžvalgomis, žudikų išpažintimis, žudynių liudininkų pasakojimais ir pokalbiais su Lietuvos senoliais, tebegyvenančiais šalia žudynių vietų, kurias šią vasarą „kelionėje su priešu“, (with great commitment and integrity, they present an accurate description of very painful historic issues) pasaulyje garsiu nacių medžiotoju Efraimu Zuroffuaplankė autorė.

Beje, dabar kaip tik Purimas/Puolimas.


Purim 2016

Germany's Steinmeier, U.S. Kerry to meet in Moscow on Wednesday: TASS
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks during a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov (not pictured) in Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2016.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will meet U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
in Moscow 
on Wednesday, TASS news agency cited the Germany embassy in Moscow as saying.

(Reporting by Jack Stubbs; Editing by Vladimir Soldatkin)

Du "geriečiai" atidūmė* pas "blogietį".



Na, neišmano teisybės...

Engel (Live from Madison Square Garden)

Ketvirtadienį Lietuvoje skelbiamas gedulas.

* Kerry Kremliuje

P.S. На несколько дней, 23-24 марта, Москва стала столицей мировой дипломатии.
Purim 2016.

Hey, what about this March 23?
The Isle of Man 
Government will taking part and be discussing why and how it is engaging with the Blockchain. 

Other speakers taking part in this Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum meeting include leading Blockchain experts from Cambridge’s Centre for Alternative Finance and  leading thinkers from Kings College London. As well as Tallysticks – a highly innovative emerging Blockchain company, which is part of the Barclays incubator.

Find Barclays:))) 

Vanagiškiai Serbijoje

Serbų partizanų žudynių


"puošia" Vanagaitės "Mūsiškių" ketvirtąjį viršelį.
Knyga pagrįsta Lietuvos istorikų įžvalgomis, žudikų išpažintimis, žudynių liudininkų pasakojimais ir pokalbiais su Lietuvos senoliais, tebegyvenančiais šalia žudynių vietų, kurias šią vasarą „kelionėje su priešu“, (with great commitment and integrity, they present an accurate description of very painful historic issues) pasaulyje garsiu nacių medžiotoju Efraimu Zuroffu, aplankė autorė.

Beje, dabar kaip tik Purimas/Puolimas.

JaPonijos Psichonomika


Bank Of Japan Unleashes Yield Curve Chaos:
JGBs Inverted At Short- And Long-End.

Japan’s 10-year bond yield dropped to a record -12.5bps Friday, falling below the the negative deposit rate introduced by the Bank of Japan last month, after the central bank’s operation to buy long-term debt met the lowest investor participation on record. Yields on government debt have tumbled since the BOJ announced Jan. 29 that it would start charging 10bps interest on some deposits held at the bank starting Feb. 16.

40Y Yields are down a stunning 90bps since the BoJ went full retard... to record lows.
AND yields are so low that demand for 40Y JGBs has driven its yield below the 30Y yield by the most ever...

Beje, dabar kaip tik Purimas/Puolimas.

Sala šalia Kubos

Tai jau ne!
Anais verslininkavimo laikais su repatriantu iš sovietyno geriam alų Vokietijos aludėj, šnekam rusiškai.

Už gretimo pustuštės aludės stalo sėdintis vyras klausia, angliškai:

- Rusai?

- Taip, - sakau, kad nereiktų aiškint, kas mes.

- Aš - iš Amerikos, - sako jis; man pasirodė, kad pernelyg iš aukšto.

- Amerika Amerika ... kažkur girdėta,- sakau.

Maniškis ekstarybinis neovokietis nepasimetė, verslininkas juk:

- Tai sala šalia Kubos.

P.S. Apkabink 


Это вы у Сноудена спросите

что в систему управления Боингов» и «Эйрбасов» вмонтированы программные закладки, разработанные агентством ДАРПА. Я так считаю. Если я прав, то нет необходимости подключать навигационные спутники и систему «Эшелон», можно дать команду иным путём. Каким? Это вы у Сноудена* спросите.
Pernelyg didelis 
* Почему я нахожусь в России?
Спросите об этом у Госдепа США.

P.S. Ai ja jai...

P.P.S. Kazanė.
MH 370.
MH 17?