Мобильный телефон, СССР, 1957 г.

1957 г. — инженер Л. И. Куприянович из Москвы создал и публично продемонстрировал первый опытный носимый мобильный телефон ЛК–1 весом 3 кг, радиусом действия 20—30 км и временем работы без смены батарей 20—30 часов и базовую станцию к нему. Решения аппарата запатентованы (а. с. 115494 от 01.11.1957).
Слева: 1957 год, Л.И. Куприянович с мобильным телефоном на улицах Москвы, справа: 1973 год, вице-президент «Моторолы» Джон Ф. Митчелл с мобильным телефоном в Нью-Йорке. (снимок слева был опубликован в статье «Юному технику — 40 лет!», ЮТ, 9, 1996, с. 5.)

Argi lyvių ten žemė?

Livonija (vok.,šved.,dan. Livland, sen.šved. Lifflandlatv. Livonijaest. Liivimaa, m.lot. Livonialenk. Inflanty) – istorinis regionas dabartinės Latvijos ir Estijos teritorijoje. Šio regiono vardu buvo žinomi įvairūs politiniai vienetai.

Inflanty - kas ir ką padidino, išpūtė, anot katalonų?

Tai ir klausiu - argi lyvių ten žemė?

Lyviai arba lybiai (lyv. līvliztlatv. lībieši, līvilot. Livonesvok. Livenest. liivlasedsuom. liiviläisetsenrusių kalbaлибь) – Latvijos teritorijoje, prie Rygos įlankos gyvenanti vietinė Latvijos finougrų tauta.
Patys lyviai save vadina rāndalizt ('pakrantės gyventojai') arba kalāmīed ('žvejai'). Dar vėliau, po antrojo pasaulinio karo save vadina – līvõd, lībõd, līvnikād, līvliztSavo kalbą vadina rāndakēļ, kas reikštų 'pakrantės kalba'. Lotyniški vardai apibūdinti jų gyvenamai žemei ar jų tautai yra Livonia, Livonicus, Lyvones, Livoni, Lyvonia pirmiausiai pavartoti XIII amžiuje Sakso Gramatiko ir Henriko Latvio kronikose. Pirmiausiai Livonijos pavadinimas buvo pritaikytas tik teritorijai, esančiai į rytus nuo Rygos įlankos, bet vėliau, vokiečių riteriams tęsiant finougrų ir baltų genčių užkariavimus, buvo naudojamas visoms užkariautoms žemėms.

O čia rasim apie Latvijos vardo atsiradimą.

O Henrikas Latvis dar visai neseniai vakariečių vien Henriku Livoniečiu vadintas.

Tai kieno ten, kuri dabar Latvija vadinas, žemė, jei po to, kai Juris Alunāns (tikrasis vardas Gustavs Georgs Frīdrihs Alunāns, sukūrė apie 500 žodžių) būsimiesiems dabartiniams latviams, ir jie prabilo visiškai ne finougriškai, bet, nepaisant Gustavo Georgo Frīdriho
 žodžių naujadarystės pastangu, mums beveik suprantamai.

Gal į šį klausimą mums, nuolankumu šiandien pasižymintiems, šis pastebėjimas padės atsakyti:

Livonija taip pat vadinama feodalinė konfederacija, nuo 1346 m. apėmusi bene visą dabartinės Latvijos ir Estijos teritoriją, dar vadinama Marijos žeme (lot. Terra Mariana) (kaip analogiškai prūsų žemės (Prūsija) buvo vadinamos Šv. Petro žeme)... 
Kur šiandien Marijos žemė?
Tiek ir žinių klūpatikiams.

Antano Baranausko paklausykim:

Nu Lietuva, nu Dauguva!

Naudininko gramatika ir gramatui nauda

grãmatas sm. kuopa, žmonių bendruomenė; plg. grumutas: Viename gramate esant, reik teisingai daryti J.

Nu taigi.

Šiandien Elertė "Klasikos" radijuj dvi psichologės/psichoteraeputės apie nereikalingų dovanų dovanojimą kalbėjo.

Viena klausytoja paskambino radijo studijon ir paaiškino, kad nereikalingą dovaną ji atiduotų tam, kas prisipažintų, kad jai nereikalingas daiktas jam kaip tik yra reikalingas.

Kaip neišmano šiuolaikinės gramatikos!
Tai lotyniškas naudininko pavadinimas dativus 'duodamasis'.

O šiuolaikinėj Lietuvoj viskas kitaip.

Kas tau duos kad ir nereikalingą daiktą be naudos?


Išnaudot reikia, jei jau turi kokį paties nenaudojamą, bet kitam reikalingą daiktą - gal išnuomot, gal parduot, gal dar kaip.

Negi duosi kaip koks luotynų dativus 'duodamasis'.

Taigi naudininkas!

Juk, kaip braliukai, gal svetimųjų pamokyti sako - gryna nauda!

Tai kas mum  'duodamąjį dativus' naudininku' pavadino?

Ar ne tie patys*, kurie pingančius pinigus braliukam 'nauda' pavertė?
Naudininkas atsako į klausimą 'kam'?

O į kokį klausimą atsako valdininkas.

sako, kad valdininkas (kaip aštuntas linksnis, pats svarbiausias mūsų gramatoj, skant) atsako į klausimą 'kiek'?

O jei pavaldusis valdininkui sako 'ne' - paskum, žiūrėk, jau šitaip sako valdininkas:

- Štai tau 'naudas sods', zirga tu galva!

Sakykit, kokia iš šitokios gramatikos visam gramatui nauda?

Man regis, beveik jokia.

Lyg patys negalėtume nuspręsti 'kiek', be valdininko...

Tai kam tada jinai, tokia mūsų gramato gramatika, naudinga?

Ar ne šitiem?

Taigi kad.
* Va koks buvo gramatas:

Происходит от праслав***. , от кот. в числе прочего произошли: сербск.-церк.-слав. грамада (др.-греч. ὕλη), русск. громада, укр. грома́да «община», белор. грама́да, болг. грама́да, гръма́да, сербохорв. грама̀да, словенск. gramáda, grmáda, чешск., словацк. hromada, польск. gromada, в.-луж. hromada, н.-луж. gromada. Родственно лит. grãmatas «куча», gramantas «ком», др.-инд. grā́mas «толпа, деревня, община», осет. ærɣom «ноша, кладь» (с вторичным æ и метатезой gr > rɣ; лат. gremium «лононедрагорсть», др.-в.-нем. krimman «давить», др.-англ. crammian «набивать, наполнять», также лит. grùmalas «ком земли», grum̃stas -- то же, grùmdau, grùmdyti «месить». Совершенно неприемлема попытка Коштиала, возводящего слав. слова к венец. grumada, фриульск. grumada «куча», grumare «наваливать», лат. grūmus «куча, ком». Ром. формы на d заимств. из слав.

** O naudininką mums sugalvojo taigi Vytauto Landsbergio senelis Jonas Jablonskis:
įdiegė daugybę naujadarų: ... linksniai (vardininkas, kilmininkas, naudininkas, galininkas, įnagininkas, vietininkas)...

*** Tai kaip ten tasai gramatas pasidarė - grumtynės ten buvo ar kam pagrūmoti**** pakako?


**** grùmutas sm. (1) kekė, kemuras: Viename grùmute riešutai suaugę, t. y. viename kevale J.

Ar grumias, ar grūmoja jie?



Julian Assange on Russian hacking claims

Julian Assange: Obama trying to ‘delegitimize’ Trump with Russian hacking claims
 - The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The Obama administration is attempting to “delegitimize” President-elect Donald Trump before his inauguration this month by emphasizing the Russian government’s alleged role in the recent White House race, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange indicated in an interview airing Tuesday.
Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity from London, the 45-year-old WikiLeaks publisher accused the current administration of propagating claims concerning Russia’s purported election meddling in order to raise questions about Mr. Trump’s standing as president before he even takes office, according to excerpts released prior to broadcast.
While the U.S. intelligence community has blamed Kremlin-tied hackers with infiltrating the email accounts of Democratic targets and then providing the stolen contents to WikiLeaks for publication, Mr. Assange reiterated to the interviewer that the website’s source wasn’t any nation state, Russia included.
“We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government, and it is not a state party,” Mr. Assange said.

Kaip susikalbėti

Kaip susikalbėti?

Kaip kaip - communicate.

Publikuota: 2016-07-26

Renata Saulytė palieka „Maximą“.

Šiuo metu „Maxima LT ieško naujo komunikacijos vadovo.

„Per 25-erius savo veiklos metus „Maxima LT“ tapo neabejotinu lietuvių verslumo ir jų darbštumo pavyzdžiu, todėl džiaugiuosi, turėjusi galimybę dirbti su savo srities profesionalais bei prisidėti prie įmonės – ją kūrusių, ja tikėjusių kolegų – sėkmės“, – cituojama p. Saulytė.

„Gaila, kad mūsų kolektyvą palieka ilgametę patirtį sukaupusi vadovė, kuri reikšmingai prisidėjo prie bendrovės komunikacijos ir įvaizdžio formavimo. Tačiau suprantame, jog darbo rinka, kaip ir verslo aplinka, nuolat kinta, todėl neišvengiamai keičiasi ir įmonės darbuotojai“, – sako „Maxima LT“ generalinis direktorius Žydrūnas Valkeris.

2017 m. sausio 4 d.

STT atstovė spaudai Renata Saulytė Eltai teigė, kad tarnyba Finansų ministerijai perdavė surinktus duomenis apie drausminį D. Bradausko nusižengimą – kol kas VMI vadovas nėra niekuo įtariamas ir dėl jo veiklos STT nėra pradėjusi ikiteisminio tyrimo. 

 „Apie nustatytus galimai korupcinio pobūdžio drausminius nusižengimus paprastai informuojamas tiesioginis vadovas, kuris, savo ruožtu, atlieka tarnybinį patikrinimą“, – Eltai telefonu teigė STT atstovė R. Saulytė.
Dainius Bradauskas: nesuvokiu, kas čia vyksta.

Bronius Bradauskas: tai dėl "VP Market" konflikto "... mafija visada stipresnė ... matau ir žinau, kas dedasi". 


Ech, senovė:)))


Kaip, beje, su šitais susikalbėti?

Ar šitaip?


Doleris kursas prie rublio prekybos metu krito žemiau 60 rublių. Rublio kursas auga kylančių kainų naftos fone –
kaina už barelį Brent markės „juodojo aukso“ šoktelėjo virš 56,5 dolerių.

SEP 16, 2015
And The World's Best Central Banker Is...

Pause for effect.

Эльвира Сәхипзада ҡыҙы Нәбиуллина of the Central Bank of Russia. Euromoney awarded Nabiullina with the top central banker award on Wednesday. She will be featured in an interview with the magazine in their October issue.

Euronews, однако.

Turkija "klibina" NATO bazę

Turkish officials are questioning the presence of U.S.-led coalition forces at an air base in southern Turkey over what they see as insufficient support for Turkey's military operations against Islamic State in Syria.

President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Thursday there was no need for a "rushed evaluation" on Incirlik, a base used by NATO allies to launch air strikes against Islamic State in neighboring Syria.

But he questioned why the United States, which backs some Kurdish groups against Islamic State in northern Syria, had not lent support to NATO ally Turkey's latest push to take the Syrian town of al-Bab back from the jihadists.

"In the past month-and-a-half, we have seen and understood that this support was not given at the sufficient level and effectiveness," Kalin told broadcaster Kanal 24, calling for full support and saying "excuses are not acceptable".

Turkey has been angered by U.S. policy in Syria, not least by Washington's support for Kurdish militia fighters it sees as an extension of PKK militants fighting within Turkey, a group the U.S. and Ankara both classify as a terrorist organization.

Kalin said he hoped the administration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who will be sworn in on Jan. 20, would be more attuned to Turkey's sensitivities.

Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak said the U.S.-led coalition had only infrequently used Incirlik to join operations by the Turkish military and the Syrian rebels it backs, raising questions among the Turkish population.

"Their presence (in Incirlik) is being questioned by our people and nation, and this issue is on the agenda of the government," he told broadcaster A Haber.
Turkey questions U.S.-led coalition presence at Incirlik air base

National interests

United States interests, including national security, would be harmed if the country retreats from a leading role at the United Nations, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power warned on Thursday amid a backlash among Washington lawmakers against the world body.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power addresses media following a United Nations Security Council vote, aimed at ensuring that U.N. officials can monitor evacuations from besieged parts of the Syrian city of Aleppo, at the United Nations in Manhattan,(Thank You Mr Rockefeller:))...REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

... including national security...

are lending support:)

Lietuva JT Saugumo Taryboje:

Per dvejų metų kadenciją Lietuva Saugumo Taryboje aktyviai kėlė klausimą dėl Rusijos veiksmų Ukrainoje. Lietuvos iniciatyva šiuo klausimu Niujorke surengta 11 posėdžių.

Ar mūsų šis nacionalinis 


Coup d'état

The phrase did not appear within an English text before the nineteenth century except when used in translation of a French source, there being no simple phrase in English to convey the contextualized idea of a "knockout blow to the existing administration within a state".

What may be its first published use within a text composed in English, is in an editor's note in the London Morning Chronicle, 7 January 1802, reporting the arrest by Napoleon 
in France, of Moreau, Berthier, Masséna, and Bernadotte:
There was a report in circulation yesterday of a sort of coup d'état having taken place in France, in consequence of some formidable conspiracy (:)))) against the existing government.
coup ‎(plural coups)
  1. A quick, brilliant, and highly successful act; a triumph [quotations ▼]
  2. (US, historical, of Native Americans) A blow against an enemy delivered in a way that shows bravery.  [quotations ▼]
  3. coup d'état [quotations ▼]
  4. (by extension) A takeover of one group by another.
  5. A single roll of the wheel at roulette, or a deal in rouge et noir.

A triumph!
Now we are approaching at breakneck speed 
a CIA coup in the USA?

The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries.
Attempted Coups & Succesful Coups.
Ir apibrėžimas, ir technologijos paaiškinimas, skant:)
Lingua Europea!

On CIA coup in the USA

The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA.
When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
Now suddenly we have a report from the Washington Post, a rag whose integrity is in doubt and a mainstay of anti-Trump propaganda suspected of being a CIA asset, that the FBI and Homeland Security are in agreement with the anonymous leaks to the presstitutes:
“FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation.
New revelations about Comey’s position could put to rest suggestions by some lawmakers that the CIA and the FBI weren’t on the same page on Russian President Vladi­mir Putin’s intentions.”
“The positions of Comey and Clapper were revealed in a message that CIA Director John Brennan sent to the agency’s workforce Friday. ‘Earlier this week, I met separately with FBI [Director] James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,’ Brennan said, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.”
Note, that this claim comes from the CIA. It has not been verified at this time of writing by the FBI and Homeland Security. Indeed, please note that the Washington Post, which is hyping this story of intelligence agency consensus, reports:
“The CIA and the FBI declined to comment on Brennan’s message or on the classified intelligence assessment that CIA officials shared with members of the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month, setting off a political firestorm.” In other words, the CIA might be putting words in the mouths of the other intelligence officials.

Wrong Cyber Bear

The "Russian hacking" story in the U.S. has gone too far. That it's not based on any solid public evidence, and that reports of it are often so overblown as to miss the mark, is only a problem to those who worry about disinformation campaigns, propaganda and journalistic standards -- a small segment of the general public. But the recent U.S. government report that purports to substantiate technical details of recent hacks by Russian intelligence is off the mark and has the potential to do real damage to far more people and organizations.
The joint report by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has a catchy name for "Russian malicious cyber activity" -- Grizzly Steppe -- and creates infinite opportunities for false flag operations that the U.S. government all but promises to attribute to Russia.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.
To contact the author of this story:
Leonid Bershidsky at lbershidsky@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Max Berley at mberley@bloomberg.net

Most curious royal incident

It is one of the perks of being a member of the archaic hereditary UK monarchy that you have armed guards watching over you at all hours.
january 4 2017

The Queen is a fan of late-night walks.

When she struggles to sleep she will sometimes put on a mac and walk around the palace grounds, an ex-guardsman told me.

On one occasion he was patrolling inside the perimeter of the Palace walls at 3am when he spotted a figure in the darkness. Thinking that he had come across an intruder, he shouted: “Who’s that?”

To his surprise it was the Queen.

“Bloody hell, Your Majesty, I nearly shot you,” he blurted out.

Realising that he had spoken out of turn, he waited for a dressing-down.

“That’s quite all right,” HM replied.

“Next time I’ll ring through beforehand so you don’t have to shoot me.”

Joseph P. Overton

Joseph P. Overton (4 January 1960 – 30 June 2003) was a Senior Vice President of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.[1][2] He is known for conceiving of the idea since known as the Overton window*, the range of ideas the public will accept.** 

He died at 43 from injuries suffered in an airplane crash.


Silk Road Group and Donald Trump

JAV bendrovė „Trump Organization“ oficialiai paskelbė nebedalyvausianti dangoraižio „Trump Tower“ Gruzijos Batumio mieste statybos projekte, kuris vertinamas 250 mln. dolerių. Statybas savarankiškai užbaigs dabar jau buvusi išrinktojo JAV prezidento Donaldo Trampo (Donald Trump) partnerė – grupė „Silk Road“, trečiadienį pranešė verslo naujienų agentūra „Bloomberg“, remdamasi „Silk Road“ pranešimu.
Grupė „Silk Road“?

Silk Road.

Silk Road was an online black market and the first modern darknet market, best known as a platform for selling illegal drugs. As part of the dark web,[7] it was operated as a Tor hidden service, such that online users were able to browse it anonymously and securely without potential traffic monitoring. The website was launched in February 2011; development had begun six months prior.[8][9] Initially there were a limited number of new seller accounts available; new sellers had to purchase an account in an auction. Later, a fixed fee was charged for each new seller account.[10][11]
In October 2013, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the website[12] and arrested Ross William Ulbricht under charges of being the site's pseudonymous founder "Dread Pirate Roberts".[3] On 6 November 2013, Silk Road 2.0 came online, run by former administrators of Silk Road.[13] It too was shut down and the alleged operator was arrested on 6 November 2014 as part of the so-called "Operation Onymous”.
Ulbricht was convicted of eight charges related to Silk Road in U.S. Federal Court in Manhattan and was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole.[14] Further charges alleging murder-for-hire remain pending in Maryland.[1][15][16]
"Manheteno ryte"
- ar tai ir yra Donald'o Trump'o partneriai?

January 4, 2017

Donald Trump’s company pulled out of a proposed $250-million tower project in the Georgian Black Sea resort town of Batumi, the latest effort by the U.S. president-elect to defuse charges that his global businesses will cause conflicts of interest once he enters the White House.

The Trump Organization and its local partner in Georgia, the Silk Road Group, said in a joint e-mailed statement that they’ve decided “to formally end the development of Trump Tower, Batumi.” The project, a 47-story residential condominium, was announced in 2012* by Trump and then-Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. Silk Road said it will go ahead on its own with a luxury tower in the town, once dubbed the Monte Carlo of the Caucasus by Trump.

Trump Pulls Out of $250 Million Tower Plan in Black Sea Resort**
On 2 October 2012, Saakashvili admitted his party's defeat in Georgia's parliamentary election against the Georgian Dream coalition led by the tycoon Bidzina Ivanishvili.[9] He was barred by the constitution of Georgia from seeking a third term in the 2013 presidential election, which was won by the Georgian Dream's candidate Giorgi Margvelashvili. Shortly after the election, Saakashvili left Georgia.[10] Saakashvili is wanted by Georgia's new government on multiple criminal charges, which he denies as politically motivated.[11]

** November 16, 2016

A real-estate development company in the South Caucasus state of Georgia, a close US ally, has announced plans to proceed with a long-stalled Trump-Tower project; a claim that, if realized, could raise further sticky questions about the dividing line between business and government under a Trump administration.

Plans for a Trump Tower in the popular Black-Sea casino mecca of Batumi, a  town of about 130,000 people, have existed since 2010. The Trump name was expected to appear on both a 47-storey Batumi skyscraper complex and, eventually, a residence in the capital, Tbilisi. 
But little or no word has been made about these grandiose plans since Donald Trump’s 2012 visit to Georgia to kick off the Batumi project.
Now, just over a week after Trump's election as US president, the Batumi skyscraper-to-be appears back on the table.
In a November 16 interview with the Georgian news agency Interpressnews, a senior executive at the Silk Road Group, the Trump Organization's original partner in the deal, stated that the company plans to proceed with the project.

“We have six years of stable relations with the Trump Organization. Together we are looking into the situation,” said Giorgi Marr, who oversees the Group's real-estate operations.
The nature of this partnership is unclear. In 2011, Trump's special counsel, Michael Cohen, told EurasiaNet.org that the two hold a licensing agreement, but neither the Silk Road Group nor he would elaborate about a closer association.
The actual price of the Batumi project – long assumed to be a stumbling block  – also has been open to speculation, with some initial estimates soaring into the hundreds of millions of dollars. 
While tourism recently has surged in both Batumi and Tbilisi -- particularly among Russians, already established as regular Trump customers -- neither city could be called a top-tier real-estate market. Georgia's annual per-capita income stood at just $3,767 in 2015.