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Beje, vikingai neturėjo ragų, žr. Raguoti šalmai.

Ragus vikingams pritaisė Hollywood'as.

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20. Mickey Mouse 14:40 10-23 IP:

Apie „Elite L.L.C.“ reikia pasiklausti „ABC News“, jie gi viską žino. ABC News is a division of American television network ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Company. (Wikipedia)

Vakar buvo Konstitucijos diena.


1580s, "action of establishing," from Fr. constitution (12c.), from L. constitutionem (nom. constitutio) "act of settling, settled condition, anything arranged or settled upon, regulation, order, ordinance," from constitutus (see constitute).

mid-15c., verb use of adjective, "made up, formed" (14c.), from L. constitutus "arranged, settled," pp. adj. from constituere "to cause to stand, set up, fix, place, establish;" of persons, "to appoint to an office; to establish, to form something new, to decide," from com- intensive prefix + statuere "to set" (see statue).

c.1300, from O.Fr. statue (12c.), from L. statua "image, statue," prop. "that which is set up," back-formation from statuere "to cause to stand, set up," from status "a standing, position," from stare "to stand" (see stet)

direction to printer to disregard correction made to text, 1755, from L. stet "let it stand," third person singular present subjunctive of stare "to stand, stand upright, be stiff," from PIE base *sta- "to stand, set down, make or be firm" (cf. Skt. tisthati "stands;" Avestan histaiti "to stand;" Pers. -stan "country," lit. "where one stands;" Gk. histemi "put, place, weigh," stasis "a standing still," statos "placed," stater ""a weight, coin," stylos "pillar;" L. sistere "stand still, stop, make stand, place, produce in court," status "manner, position, condition, attitude," statio "station, post;" Lith. stojus "place myself," statau "place;" O.C.S. staja "place myself," stanu "position," staru "old," lit. "long-standing;" Goth. standan, O.E. standan "to stand," O.N. steði "anvil," O.E. stede "place;" O.Ir. sessam "the act of standing").

from L., archaic form of classical L. cum "together, together with, in combination," the prefix sometimes used as an intensive, from PIE *kom- "beside, near, by, with" (cf. O.E. ge-, Ger. ge-). Before vowels and aspirates, reduced to co-; before -g-, assimilated to cog- or con-; before -l-, assimilated to col-; before -r-, assimilated to cor-; before -c-, -d-, -j-, -n-, -q-, -s-, -t-, -v- assimilated to con-.

Konstitucija, išeitų, kai kartu stovim.

Kai susivienijam.

Tada ir saugūs esam.

Na, nebent tai suprantame kitaip: con + statute.

Tada - viskas atvirkščiai.

Tiesa, Prezidente?

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