

Gadhafi reaches paranoid 'point of no return'.

Paranoid Gadhafi Hiding Out in Hospitals.

Gaddafi is paranoid and on the run, MI6 tells David Cameron.

1. vis labiau paranojiškas“ 13:36 05-27 IP:
Paranoja (paranoia, graikų kalba para = šalia, greta ir nous = protas) – persekiojimo iliuzija, manija, kuri nelaikoma atskira liga, o tik tam tikrų psichinių sutrikimų simptomu (neurozė, psichozė, alkohol. delyras) (Wikipedia).

Tikrai - tam Mouammarui Kadhafi paranoja!

Kas jį persekioja?

Juk virš Libijos - NESKRAIDYMO ZONA, pagal Jugtinių Tautų rezoliuciją!

Apache copters to hunt "paranoid" Gaddafi.

hunt O.E. huntian "chase game," related to hentan "to seize," from P.Gmc. *khuntojan (cf. Goth. hinþan "to seize, capture," O.H.G. hunda "booty"), from PIE *kend-.



General sense of "search diligently" (for anything) is first recorded c.1200.

Related: Hunted; hunting.

The noun is attested from early 12c.; meaning "body of persons associated for the purpose of hunting with a pack of hounds" is first recorded 1570s.

Happy hunting-grounds "Native American afterlife paradise" is from "Last of the Mohicans" (1826).

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