
Periferijos reikalai

Pasak C. Lagarde, daugelis bankų euro zonos periferinėse valstybėse turi nepakankamai apyvartinių lėšų ir per daug blogųjų paskolų savo balanso sąskaitose.

Kiek atsimenu, ir anais laikais Centre bėdų nebūdavo, buvo "проблемы на местах", gal kur ir tebėr...

Tik va, tada žodis "periferija" retokai buvo vartojamas.

late 14c., "atmosphere around the earth," from Old French periferie (Modern French périphérie), from Medieval Latin periferia, from Late Latin peripheria, from Greek peripheria "circumference, outer surface, line round a circular body," literally "a carrying around," from peripheres "rounded, moving round, revolving," peripherein "carry or move round," from peri- "round about" (see peri-) + pherein "to carry" (see infer). Meaning "outside boundary of a surface" attested in English from 1570s; general sense of "boundary" is from 1660s.

Buvo šitaip, dabar kitaip.

Galų gale apie eurozonos periferiją šneka.

pherein "to carry" (see infer
Let's see.
infer (v.) 
1520s, from Latin inferre "bring into, carry in; deduce, infer, conclude, draw an inference; bring against," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + ferre "carry, bear," from PIE *bher- (1) "to bear, to carry, to take" (cf. Sanskrit bharati "carries;" Avestan baraiti "carries;" Old Persian barantiy "they carry;" Armenian berem "I carry;" Greek pherein "to carry;" Old Irish beru/berim "I catch, I bring forth;" Gothic bairan "to carry;" Old English and Old High German beran, Old Norse bera "barrow;" Old Church Slavonic birati "to take;" Russian brat' "to take," bremya "a burden"). Sense of "draw a conclusion" is first attested 1520s.
 from Latin inferre "bring into, carry in"
"bring against"
Čia apie gerus dalykus, kas gi prašys blogų - "bring against"..
 Tai ir trūksta periferijoj gerų dalykų, ne tik lėšų, o blogų - perteklius.

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