

The G7, or G-7, is a group consisting of the finance ministers of seven industrialized nations: the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan. They are seven of the eight (China excluded) wealthiest nations on Earth, not by GDP but by global net wealth.

Gal todėl rusiška Vikipedija apie G7 nerašo?

Su tuo National Wealth irgi neaišku: "it is the total sum value of monetary assets minus liabilities of a given nation", jei angliškai, ir " макроэкономический показатель, представляющий в денежном выражении совокупность активов, созданных и накопленных обществом."

Apie aktyvus jau šį bei tą išmanom.

Japonija lentelėj - antra, Rusija - devinta, o Kinijos nėr išvis.

Dėl ko No 5 UK taip stengiasi?

Su ta Kinija vienos problemos - ir iš G8 teko ją išmesti.

The Group of Eight (G8) is a forum for the governments of the world's eight wealthiest countries. The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit became known as the Group of Seven or G7 the following year with the addition of Canada. The G7, that is active even after the creation of the G8, is composed by 7 of 8 of the wealthiest countries on Earth (as net wealth and not GDP). In 1997, Russia was added to the group which then became known as the G8. The European Union is represented within the G8 but cannot host or chair summits.

Beje, pažiūrėkit nuotraukoj, kas toks atstovauja ES: Chairman of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker.

Apie G8 ir rusiškoji Vikipedija nebetyli: Термин «Большая восьмёрка» является логичным продолжением термина «Большая семёрка», который возник в русской публицистике из ошибочной расшифровки английского сокращения G7 как «Great Seven» («Большая семёрка»), хотя на самом деле оно расшифровывается как «Group of Seven» («группа семи»).

Viskas logiška:)

Jei susimovei, tai neparodyk šito, varyk toliau tuo pačiu stilium.

Galų gale, nors anie septyni ir giriasi, betgi - būna ir neveiksnūs aktyvai!

 Впервые употребление термина «Большая семёрка» зафиксировано в статье «Прибалтика обошлась Горбачеву в 16 млрд долларов», газета «Коммерсантъ» от 21 января 1991 года.

Suskaičiavo "Komersantas"...


Finansų taškas G.

G20 Kinija jau yra.

The G-20, which superseded the G33 (which had itself superseded the G22), was foreshadowed at the Cologne Summit of the G7 in June 1999, but was only formally established at the G7 Finance Ministers' meeting on 26 September 1999.

Rašo, kad G7 buvo G20 steigėjais.

20 major economies: 19 countries plus the European Union.

Tai ir mes esam toje G20.

Mums atstovauja ... President of the European Council and the European Central Bank.

 Štai jie, mūsų atstovai, kraštiniai nuotraukoj (abiejų drauge nusipaveikslavusių neradau).

Bet nuotrauka įdomi: In a recent speech van Rompuy reminded listeners that all three were educated by the Jesuits.

Vidurinįjį nuotraukų montaže diržus veržtis nenorėję italai po kelių mėnesių išmetė iš premjerų:

On 21 December 2012, Monti announced his resignation as Prime Minister, having made a public promise to step down after the passing of the 2012 Budget. He initially stated that he would only remain in office until an early election could be held. However, on 28 December, he announced that he would seek to remain Prime Minister by contesting the election, as the leader of a centrist coalition, the Civic Choice. The election was held on 24 February 2013, and Monti's centrist coalition was only able to come fourth, with 10.5% of the vote.

Žurnalistai pletkavoja, kad tai jam, Mario Monti, buvęs skirtas mūsų Prezidentei atitekęs medalis.

Kas ten žino.

Aišku tik, kad G7, kuri yra visa ko steigėja, mūsų nėr.

Likusiose trylikoje iš dvidešimties esame.

Iš antro galo skaičiuojant.

Tokia mūsų G13. 

P.S. "Klasikos" radijas dabar transliuoja mišias; skelbia, kad Panevėžio vyskupu irgi jėzuitą paskyrė.

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