
Heroin War

Dar vieną Hollywood'o filmą pirkau "Maximoj", vis už 5 litus.

American Gangster.

Who smuggled heroin into the United States on American service planes returning from the Vietnam War.

In southeast Asia, the governments of most countries and many colonial officials had been involved in the opium trade for a very long time. The Vietnam War and CIA operations in Laos had the unintended consequence of first opening up many areas of Southeast Asia to modern transportation and then presenting a ready-made market for the drug among the U.S. military personnel stationed in the region.

The turning point came in 1970-71 when the first high-grade heroin laboratories opened in the Golden Triangle. Prior to this, the chemical skills for refinement had existed only in Europe. This gave the opium producers control over the creation of the final product. The hundreds of thousands of American servicemen in Vietnam provided a perfect market for the heroin producers, and heroin use among soldiers rapidly increased.

6-7 dešimtmečiuose pietryčių Azijoje karai Korėjoje ir ypač Vietname leido susiformuoti naujam gamybos regionui, vadinamajam Auksiniam trikampiui.

Tarybinės armijos intervencija į Afganistaną paskatino heroino gamybą Pakistano – Afganistano regione (Auksinis pusmėnulis).

Pinigai ginklams pirkti būdavo gaunami iš narkotikų gamybos, nemažą vaidmenį heroino gamybos paplitime suvaidino CŽV, kuri pardavinėjo ginklus mudžahedams. 1980 m. 60 % heroino JAV rinkoje buvo iš Afganistano.

Afganistanas dabar tiekia, JTO duomenimis, net 92 procentus pasaulio opiumo, nors talibai, anot spaudos, buvo aguonų auginimą beveik išnaikinę.


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