
El Al Flight 1862

On 4 October 1992, El Al Flight 1862, a Boeing 747 cargo plane of the state-run Israeli airline El Al, crashed into the Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg flats in the Bijlmermeer (colloquially "Bijlmer") neighbourhood (part of Amsterdam-Zuidoost) of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For the location in the Bijlmermeer, the crash is known in Dutch as the "Bijlmerramp" ("Bijlmer disaster"). A total of 43 people were killed, including the plane's crew of three, a non-revenue passenger in a jump seat, and 39 people on the ground.

Soon after the disaster it was announced that the El Al Boeing 747 had contained fruit, perfumes, and computer components. Dutch Minister Hanja Maij-Weggen asserted that she was certain that the plane contained no military cargo.

In September 1993, the media reported that the El Al Boeing contained dangerous cargo. Some portion of the cargo proved to be Israeli national defense materials. It was also reported that a third of the cargo had not been physically inspected and that the cargo listings had not been checked.

The survivors' health complaints following the crash increased the number of questions about the cargo.

In 1998 it was publicly revealed by El-Al spokesman Nachman Klieman that 190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical which, among many other uses, can be used for the synthesis of Sarin nerve gas, had been included in the cargo. Israel stated that the material was non-toxic, was to have been used to test filters that protect against chemical weapons, and that it had been clearly listed on the cargo manifest in accordance with international regulations. The Dutch foreign ministry confirmed that it had already known about the presence of chemicals on the plane. The shipment was from a U.S. chemical plant to the Israel Institute for Biological Research under a U.S. Department of Commerce license.

Nerve-Gas Element Was in El Al Plane Lost in 1992 Crash.

Flight 1862 and Israel's chemical secrets.

Artimųjų Rytų regione yra valstybių, kurios pajėgios gaminti praktiniam naudojimui tinkamą cheminį ginklą. Tarp tokių yra Sirija, jos sąjungininkas Iranas, taip pat būta įtarimų dėl Saudo Arabijos ir Egipto.

Tačiau nei viena iš šių šalių nėra tokia pamišusi, kad dalintų chemines bombas teroristų būriams (Rokiškis Rabinovičius tokiems, taip galima suprast, Sirijos sukilėlius priskiria).

Todėl lieka vienintelė įtikinama versija apie tai, kas panaudojo zariną Damasko priemiesčiuose: visi požymiai rodo, kad sprendimą priėmė B. al Assadas, įsiutęs, kad ilgą laiką nepavyksta sukilėlių išvaryti iš sostinės prieigų, o sukilėlių įsiveržimo į Damaską rizika po truputį vis auga.

Rokiškis Rabinovičius gal ir ne visas "Artimųjų Rytų regiono valstybes, kurios pajėgios gaminti praktiniam naudojimui tinkamą cheminį ginklą", išvardino.

32. Ką tas Rokiškis Rabinovičius - Izraelis dar kovo mėnesį cheminį ginklą Sirijoj matė 2013-09-01 17:55 IP:
Vienas aukšto rango Izraelio pareigūnas pareiškė, kad "akivaizdu", jog Sirijos sukilėliai arba vyriausybės pajėgos neseniai panaudojo cheminį ginklą. Šis trečiadienį išsakytas naujai paskirto žvalgybos ir strateginių reikalų ministro Yuvalio Steinitzo pareiškimas kertasi su JAV išvadomis, jog nėra jokių įrodymų, kurie pagrįstų Damasko režimo ir sukilėlių tarpusavio kaltinimus, esą cheminė ataka buvo surengta prieš vieną kaimą šalies šiaurėje. Google: Sirijoje buvo panaudotas cheminis ginklas, teigia Izraelio ministras.


Israel has signed but not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). There are speculations that a chemical weapons program might be located at the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR]) in Ness Ziona. 190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical used in the synthesis of sarin nerve gas, was discovered in the cargo of El Al Flight 1862 after it crashed in 1992 en route to Tel Aviv. Israel insisted the material was non-toxic, was to have been used to test filters that protect against chemical weapons, and that it had been clearly listed on the cargo manifest in accordance with international regulations. The shipment was from a U.S. chemical plant to the IIBR under a U.S. Department of Commerce license. (Wikipedia, Israel and weapons of mass destruction)

In 1993, the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment WMD proliferation assessment recorded Israel as a country generally reported as having undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities. Former US deputy assistant secretary of defense responsible for chemical and biological defense, Bill Richardson, said in 1998 "I have no doubt that Israel has worked on both chemical and biological offensive things for a long time... There's no doubt they've had stuff for years."

El Al Flight 1862 - 1992-ais.

Prieš dvidešimt vienerius metus.

Kovas buvo prieš pusmetį.

Russia's UN envoy says he handed over evidence which indicates that the rebels used sarin gas in March.

"The results of the analysis clearly indicate that the ordinance used in Khan al-Assal was not industrially manufactured and was filled with sarin," Churkin added, according to AFP.

The United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, said commission member Carla Del Ponte.

"Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated," Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television.

"This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities," she added, speaking in Italian.

Syria is one of five states that have not signed and seven that have not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, transfer, and use of chemical weapons. However, in 1968, Syria acceded to the 1925 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases.

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