
Europa regina

Europa regina is a young, graceful woman.

Her crown (Europa regina in Cosmographia...), placed on the Iberian peninsula, is shaped after the Carolingian hoop crown.

France and the Holy Roman Empire make up the upper part of her body, with Bohemia being the heart.

Her long gown stretches to Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Livonia, Bulgaria, Muscovy, Albania and Greece.

In her arms, formed by Italy and Denmark, she holds a sceptre and an orb (Sicily).

In most depictions, Africa, Asia and the Scandinavian peninsula are partially shown, as are a schematized British Isles.

Europa regina se le representa como una mujer joven y elegante... 

Find Russia/Rvsia (16th century...)


Rvsia and Moscovia.

Mare Sarmaticvm and Sarmatia.

During the European Middle Ages, maps typically adhered to the Jerusalem-centered T-O scheme...


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Europa regina:)

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