

recover (v.) 
c.1300, "to regain consciousness," from Anglo-French rekeverer (13c.), Old French recovrer "come back, return; regain health; procure, get again" (11c.), from Medieval Latin recuperare "to recover" (source of Spanish recobrar, Italian ricoverare; see recuperation). Meaning "to regain health or strength" is from early 14c.; sense of "to get (anything) back" is first attested mid-14c. Related: Recovered; recovering.

Rekuperatorius – tai mechaninės ventiliacijos įrenginys, taupantis energiją ir vidaus orą keičiantis lauko oru.


recuperation (n.)
late 15c., "recovery or regaining of things," from Latin recuperationem (nominative recuperatio) "a getting back, regaining, recovery," noun of action from past participle stem of recuperare "get back, regain, get again," in Medieval Latin "revive, convalesce, recover," related to recipere (see receive). Meaning "restoration to health or vigor" is from 1865.


Ar tikrai šitaip recover'intis reikia?
word-forming element meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more," also with a sense of "undoing," c.1200, from Old French and directly from Latin re- "again, back, anew, against," "Latin combining form concievably from Indo-European *wret-, metathetical variant of *wert- "to turn" [Watkins]. Often merely intensive, and in many of the older borrowings from French and Latin the precise sense of re- is lost in secondary senses or weakened beyond recognition. OED writes that it is "impossible to attempt a complete record of all the forms resulting from its use," and adds that "The number of these is practically infinite ...." The Latin prefix became red- before vowels and h-, as in redact, redeem, redolent, redundant.
cover (v.)
mid-12c., from Old French covrir (12c., Modern French couvrir) "to cover, protect, conceal, dissemble," from Late Latin coperire, from Latin cooperire "to cover over, overwhelm, bury," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + operire "to close, cover" (see weir). Related: Covered; covering. Military sense is from 1680s; newspaper sense first recorded 1893; use in football dates from 1907. Betting sense is 1857. OF horses, as a euphemism for "copulate" it dates from 1530s. Covered wagon attested from 1745.

word-forming element usually meaning "with, together," from Latin com, archaic form of classical Latin cum "together, together with, in combination," from PIE *kom- "beside, near, by, with" (compare Old English ge-, German ge-). The prefix in Latin sometimes was used as an intensive.
weir (n.) 
Old English wer "dam, fence, enclosure," especially one for catching fish (related to werian "dam up"), from Proto-Germanic *wer-jon- (cognates: Old Norse ver, Old Frisian and Middle Dutch were, Dutch weer, Old High German wari, German Wehr "defense, protection," Gothic warjan "to defend, protect"), from PIE *wer- (5) "to cover, shut" (cognates: Sanskrit vatah "enclosure," vrnoti "covers, wraps, shuts;" Lithuanian veriu "to shut, to close;" Old Persian *pari-varaka "protective;" Latin (op)erire "to cover," (ap)erire "open, uncover" (with ap- "off, away"); Old Church Slavonic vora "sealed, closed," vreti "shut;" Old Irish feronn "field," properly "enclosed land").
... weir = veriu ...

Kas ir kada čia surado už-?

Re + com + weir.

Vėl + kartu + verti!

1 komentaras:

  1. Rekuperatorius new dūropos laivui?

    Naujoji Lietuva be žemės, žmonių, sielos, kūno, valios, ...., bet su komsorgine dalia, konservais kurvių tomatų pažade ir aišku ASMENIU ASMENYBINIU vErGO apdraustu frančyzu ERGO LTSR....


    New lietuviai Naujosios Lietuvos aislandsbergo topo paviršiuje kirų padėti plaukiantys į savo krantą saloje...




    Kapitonas aisbergo?


    Junga Jos Puikybės aukso grandine pajungta, o gal inkaras gėlėžinis ant grandinės..?


    Pirmyn žžiūrintysis šulėje ant stiebo...




    Lai gena žžinių bangos ir verslumo dvasios tą laivą, lai lekia tūkstantmetin skrajojančiu Golandu dangun į debesis ir lyja grybų lietumi po perkūnais! :)
