
2 Antiterorizmai

GENEVA/KIEV, July 28 (Xinhua) -- At least 1,129 people have been killed and 3,442 others wounded in the violent conflicts in eastern Ukraine since mid-April, the United Nations said on Monday.

According to a report released by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, the conflicts have also displaced over 100,000 people.

It also voices concern over escalating violence in eastern Ukraine, saying that armed groups continue to abduct, detain, torture and execute people in the restive Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

The bloody standoff led to the collapse of the rule of law, the report says, urging both sides of the conflict to put an end to violence and restore respect for human rights.

Heavy fighting in eastern Ukraine has also caused serious damage to civilian property and infrastructure, it said, estimating that Kiev would have to raise at least 750 million U.S. dollars in funding for the rebuilding and revitalization of the region.

Crisis in eastern Ukraine began in mid-April, when Kiev launched offensives against pro-Russian militants in a bid to retake the cities and towns seized by them. Since then, the government forces have taken control of more than 20 municipalities.

Last week, Ukraine said it lost 325 of its troops during the military operation.

Gazos Ruože per paliaubas iš namų griuvėsių ištraukus dar daugiau kaip 100 lavonų, žuvusiųjų skaičius šeštadienį viršijo tūkstantį, pranešė medikai.

Izraelio premjeras Benjaminas Netanyahu ketvirtadienio (liepos 17-osios) vakarą įsakė pradėti sausumos operaciją Gazos sektoriuje, praneša „Reuters“. Liudininkai praneša, kad prie Izraelio ir Gazos sektoriaus sienos pasirodė sunkioji artilerija. Sausumos operacija reiškia, kad Izarelio kariuomenė įžengia į Gazos sektorių ir naikins palestiniečių kovotojus. Pastarąjį kartą Izraelis sausumos operaciją Gazoje vykdė 2008-2009 m.

Liepos 17-osios rytą, kaip pranešė Ukrainos Prezidentas Petro Poroshenko,  teroristai Rytų Ukrainoje numušė Malaizijos keleivinį lėktuvą, skri
dusį reisu MH17.

Nuo 2001-jų palestiniečių raketosGazos Ruožo užmušė 28 žmones.

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