

stabilumas - pastovumas, pusiausvyros būsena

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stable (v.)
"to put in a certain place or position," c.1300; "to put (a horse) in a stable," early 14c., from stable (n.) or from Old French establer. Related: Stabled; stabling.
stable (n.)
early 13c., "building or enclosure where horses or cows are kept, building for domestic animals," from Old French stable, estable "a stable, stall" (Modern French étable), also applied to cowsheds and pigsties, from Latin stabulum "a stall, fold, aviary, beehive, lowly cottage, brothel, etc.," literally "a standing place," from PIE *ste-dhlo-, suffixed form of root *sta- "to stand" (see stet).

Meaning "collection of horses belonging to one stable" is attested from 1570s; transferred sense of "group of fighters under same management" is from 1897; that of "group of prostitutes working for the same employer" is from 1937.
For what the grete Stiede
Is stole, thanne he taketh hiede,
And makth the stable dore fast.
[John Gower, "Confessio Amantis," 1390]
stable (adj.)
mid-12c., "trustworthy, reliable;" mid-13c., "constant, steadfast; virtuous;" from Old French stable, estable "constant, steadfast, unchanging," from Latin stabilis "firm, steadfast, stable, fixed," figuratively "durable, unwavering," literally "able to stand," from PIE *ste-dhli-, from root *sta- "to stand" (see stet). From c.1300 as "well-founded, well-established, secure" (of governments, etc.). Physical sense of "secure against falling" is recorded from late 14c.; also "of even temperament." Of nuclear isotopes, from 1904.
establish (v.)
late 14c., from Old French establiss-, present participle stem of establir (12c., Modern French établir) "cause to stand still, establish, stipulate, set up, erect, build," from Latin stabilire "make stable," from stabilis "stable" (see stable (adj.)). For the excrescent e-, see e-. Related: Established; establishing. An established church or religion is one sanctioned by the state.
Įkurti, įsteigti.

Stok ant akmenėlio, sėskis ant žirgelio!

2 komentarai:

  1. Statyk ant žirgelio, sėsk ant kamenėlito ar kitų valiutinių lėšų troškimo išlošt...

    Nauji laikai, - žirgai, futbolistai, kašistai,kariai ir ttt, dėl zabovos ir kapšan surinkti durneliams papuolusius turtus ar pan. Gal seniau ir buvo panašiai, juk kas ten žino, ką statė lošejai sviete pvz prieš Žalgerio mūšį?

    Štai kokia reklamagunda stanuose stenintiems lošėjams statytį, nors imk ir lėk bet tonin ar toni beton statyti, užstatyti savo stonyčias, visą savo Litkūnstaną....
    O kažkas statė ne 10$... Ar futbole tiksliai sulošia 7:1 ar ligiosiom su visokiais pratesimais ir ttt, jei netikėti ir nežaisti to totalisatoriaus?


  2. Štai kur stabilumas, kur statymai, kur stonyčia, kur mietas metamas stanytėn(mie'stas), kur arklidės, kur dorabybės, kur tvartas, kur stato tabunas ir ant ko jiems stojasi, bei matosi d augimas nuo to stovio statymo.... Kodėl nyksta tauta? Gal nuo to, kad ne ant to stojas?

    Ant ko nori statyk, o norų prikursim, prikurstysim...

