
Government's response

How far separatist demands will go toward full independence, and whether groups pursue constitutional and nonviolent or armed violence, depend on a variety of economic, political, social and cultural factors, including movement leadership and the government's response. Governments may respond in a number of ways, some of which are mutually exclusive. Some include:
  • accede to separatist demands
  • improve the circumstances of disadvantaged minorities, be they religious, linguistic, territorial, economic or political
  • adopt "asymmetric federalism" where different states have different relations to the central government depending on separatist demands or considerations
  • allow minorities to win in political disputes about which they feel strongly, through parliamentary voting, referendum, etc.
  • settle for a confederation or a commonwealth relationship where there are only limited ties among states.
Kokie keisti government's response į separatizmą metodai!

„Norime išlaisvinti abu miestus, bet pirmiausia, mūsų nuomone, reikia išlaisvinti Donecką“, - sakė Andrijus Lysenko, Ukrainos kariuomenės pajėgų atstovas, kurį cituoja „Reuters“.

Teoristais išvirtę separatistai šiandien atvirto sukilėliais...

O išlaisvinamieji pabėgėliais.

Mat, nėra yra kur bėgt.

In 1861, the American Civil War started after a separatist movement of southern U.S. states seceded from the United States.

Vergvaldiški žemdirbių Pietūs ir pramoninė Šiaurė.

The abolition of slavery, they claimed, would make them slaves to the Northern industrialists. 


As a naval power, Britain had a long record of insisting that neutral nations abide by its blockades, a perspective that led from the earliest days of the war to de facto support for the Union blockade and frustration in the South.

Vergvaldiški Pietūs Amerikoj pralaimėjo.

Laimėjo pramoninė Šiaurė.

... kur pramonė Ukrainoj?

Jei pramoninių Ukrainos Rytų sukilėlius remia Rusija, kas remia žemdirbiškos Ukrainos Vakarus?

Kas finansuoja abi šio karo fronto puses?

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