
Dalgis bankams

Kortelės vartotojų rankose taps dalgiu šešėlinei ekonomikai.

Ne vartotojų, o bankų baudžiauninkų.

Prieš keletą dienų banke sužinojau, kad bankas pakeitė savo įkainius, savo nuožiūra ir savo naudai.

- Juk esate banko klientas, - paaiškino banko mergina su kortele "Mokinys" ant krūtinės.

Gal dėl tos kortelės nežinojo, kad esu "vartotojas"?

Kuris nevartoja, bet dirba bankui?

Galima pamanyti 2015-03-31 01:04:42kad, kol nebuvo kortelių, ekonomika buvo tik šešėlinė:)
Kaip kad dabar Izraelyje: 
When I got here four years ago it was quite a shock,” Degutis said of his exposure to Israel’s PAPER-BASED banking system.
Dalgis bankams 2015-03-31 01:12:10(Reuters) - International Business Machines Corp (IBM) is considering adopting the underlying technology behind bitcoin, known as the "blockchain," to create a digital cash and payment system for major currencies, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The objective is to allow people to transfer cash or make payments instantaneously using this technology without a bank or clearing party involved, saving on transaction costs.

The company has been in informal discussions about a blockchain-tied cash system with a number of central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, the source said. 

The Bank of England, in a report in September 2014, described the blockchain's open ledger as a "significant innovation" that could transform the financial system more generally.

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