
Cum nimis absurdum

Vilniaus getas – getas, įkurtas 1941 m. rugsėjo 6 d. Vilniaus senamiestyje...
Išvarė gyventojus ir uždarė ten žydus?

Pirmieji getai nebuvo susiję su prievarta, tiesiog žydai patys siekė kurti savo atskiras gyvenvietes, siekdami išlaikyti savo tautinį identitetą, religiją, mokyklą, amatų paslaptis. Getas turėjo ribotą autonomiją ir dažnai tvarkėsi pagal savo papročius. Bendruomenė rinko savo tarybą – kahalą, kuris leido bendruomenei privalomus įstatymus.

Romoje getas įkurtas 1555 m. , kai popiežius Povilas IV išleido bulę Cum nimis absurdam.
In 1455, Pope Paul IV wrote Cum Nimis Absurdum (Since It Is Absurd…). This Papal bull (law) introduced a series of religious and economic restrictions on Jews throughout Europe:
“1. Desiring firstly, as much as we can with (the help of) God, to beneficially provide , by this (our decree) that will forever be in force, we ordain that for the rest of time, in the City as well as in other states, territories and domains of the Church of Rome itself, all Jews are to live in only one (quarter) to which there is only one entrance and from which there is but one exit, and if there is not that capacity (in one such quarter, then), in two or three or however many may be enough; (in any case) they should reside entirely side by side in designated streets and be thoroughly separate from the residences of Christians, (This is to be enforced) by our authority in the City and by that of our representatives in other states, lands and domains noted above.
2. Furthermore, in each and every state, territory and domain in which they are living...

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