
Drug legalization

Merginų numylėtinį Igorį sužlugdė narkotikai iš čigonų taboro.
Ne merginos, ne globos namuosna nuvedęs globalizmas, o narkotikai, iš čigonų taboro.
2015-11-29 09:02 GBR


butu narkotikai ne is chigonu taboro,butu karjeros 
laiptais lipes!


Alkoholį keičia narkotikai - šitą ir aklas mato...
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Some activists and spokespersons for legalization of drugs (especially marijuana) have long espoused a theory that government and private industry 
conspired during the first half of the 20th century to outlaw hemp, allegedly so that it would no longer provide inexpensive competition to pulp paper and synthetic materials.[121] William Randolph Hearst is often pointed to as one of the businessmen responsible due to his involvement in the printing industry and his eminence in the public eye.[121] An extensive study on the subject has been done by Jack Herer in his book The Emperor Wears No Clothes.
In his 1996 journalistic series and 1998 book, both titled Dark AllianceGary Webb asserted that the CIA had allowed Nicaraguan drug traffickers to smuggle cocaine into the USA and had allowed the subsequent crack epidemic in Los Angeles to help garner funds for the Contras efforts.[122]

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