
Linear science

A method of human thought that involves thinking in a linear, step-by-step manner about how a problem can be solved. Logic is the basis of many principles including the scientific method.

Logic is the basis of many principles including the scientific method.


Mokslinė terminologija.

Linear ir tiesinis...


Matematikos uždaviniai būna tiesiniai ir netiesiniai, panašiai kaip kad Visata susideda iš bananų ir nebananų.

Na, šiuo atveju linija nebūtinai tiesi, juk kalbam apie loginių išvadų grandinę.
The linear, stepwise representation of the process of science is simplified*, but it does get at least one thing right. It captures the core logic of science: testing ideas with evidence. However, this version of the scientific method is so simplified and rigid that it fails to accurately portray how real science works. It more accurately describes how science is summarized after the fact— in textbooks and journal articles — than how science is actually done.

The simplified, linear scientific method implies that 
scientific studies follow an unvarying, linear recipe.

But in reality, in their work, scientists engage in many different activities in many different sequences. Scientific investigations often involve repeating the same steps many times to account for new information and ideas.

The simplified, linear scientific method implies that
 science is done by individual scientists working through these steps in isolation.

But in reality, science depends on interactions within the scientific community. Different parts of the process of science may be carried out by different people at different times.

The simplified, linear scientific method implies that science has little room for creativity.

But in reality, the process of science is exciting, dynamic, and unpredictable. Science relies on creative people thinking outside the box!

The simplified, linear scientific method implies that science concludes.

But in reality, scientific conclusions are always revisable if warranted by the evidence. Scientific investigations are often ongoing, raising new questions even as old ones are answered.

Science depends on interactions within the scientific community?



Linear science!



* University of California, Berkeley is considered by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings as one of six university brands that lead in world reputation rankings in 2015[8] and is ranked third on the U.S. News' 2015 Best Global Universities rankings conducted in the U.S. and nearly 50 other countries.[9] The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) also ranks the University of California, Berkeley fourth in the world overall, and first among public universities.

1 komentaras:

  1. Visada sakiau, kad daugumai žmonių būdingas "protokolinis" mąstymas. Nuoseklus - išvada po išvados. Net fizikams sunku išaiškinti, kad yra kitoks mąstymo būdas. Kuris leidžia padaryti ne tik išvadas bet ir įžvalgas (numatymus) - "pranašavimus". Taigi, ten po paskutinio skyriaus (punkto) dar turėtų būti bent vienas punktas mažiausiai : įžvalgos, proskopija.
    Bet su protokoliniu mąstymu labai ilgas procesas - kaip Tiuringo mašinai: rezultatą pasieks, bet po begalo ilgo laikotarpio. Žmogus mąsto (jeigu tik mąsto) ne protokoliniu-binariniu, bet bent jau thernariniu būdu. Pirmoji skaičiavimo mašina (medinė) 1840 irgi trinariniu būdu skaičiavo. Aš pats kūriau apie 1976m ne binariniu pagrindu logiką - pasimečiau, per sudėtinga mano smegenėlėms. Po daug metų sužinojau, kad yra tokia ar visai panaši logika jau sukurta - fuzzy logic. reikšmės ne 0 ir 1, o nuo 0 iki vieno, ar nuo -1 iki +1. Dar po kiek laiko pamaniau, kad ją galima supaprastint naudojant matricų algebros elementus. Bet dar vėliau supratau, kad kvantinių kompiuterių procesaim būtent tokiu principu galima aprašyti.
