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ECB’s Draghi could be in for a grilling over ‘helicopter money’

Published: Apr 21, 2016 7:03 a.m. ET

Is the European Central Bank getting ready to fire up the chopper?

With inflation remaining painfully low, speculation has risen that the eurozone’s policy makers could get ready to use so-called helicopter money to boost a flagging economy and kick-start inflation. This means the bank effectively injects cash directly in households and the private sector, hoping to trigger a consumer shopping spree and generate longer-term growth.

The idea has garnered more attention in recent weeks after the ECB threw everything but the kitchen sink at the region’s low inflation problem at its March meeting. The central bank cut interest rates, expanded its quantitative easing program and offered ultra cheap loans to banks, stopping short of just printing free money for the people.

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kas kita?

TVF įspėjo šalių vyriausybes, kad finansinė suirutė ir ekonominė stagnacija plis, jei artimiausiu metu nebus imtasi ryžtingų veiksmų. Kadangi centriniai bankai savo amuniciją beveik visiškai išnaudojo, atėjo metas vyriausybėms žengti savus žingsnius: skirti pinigų investicijoms, stengtis, kad jų ekonomika taptų produktyvesnė, gerinant švietimą, sudarant sąlygas lengviau samdyti ir atleisti darbuotojus, remiant inovacijas ir konkurenciją.

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