(pranc. Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu).
Nepaisant to, ir šiais laikais yra žmonių, tikinčių šių raštų originalumu, ypač kraštuose, kur stiprus antisemitizmas. Siono išminčių protokolai dažnai cituojami įvairiuose antisemitiniuose straipsniuose ar knygose, pateikiami kaip žydų sąmokslo įrodymas.
Siono išminčių protokolai dažnai laikomi sąmokslų teorijų literatūros pradžia.
Gal geriau angliškai paskaitykim:
Gal geriau angliškai paskaitykim:
Taigi, caro ochranka klastojo ir suklastojo.
O po to štai kas nutiko...
If someone who is rich and powerful comes to you for a favor, you don't persecute him you help him. Having such a person indebted to you is a great insurance policy. There was one nation that did treat the Jews as if they were powerful and rich. The Japanese never had much exposure to Jews, and knew very little about them. In 1919 Japan fought alongside the anti-Semitic White Russians against the Communists. At that time the White Russians introduced the Japanese to the book, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Japanese studied the book and, according to all accounts, naively believed its propaganda. Their reaction was immediate and forceful they formulated a plan to encourage Jewish settlement and investment into Manchuria. People with such wealth and power as the Jews possess, the Japanese determined, are exactly the type of people with whom we want to do business!"
O po to štai kas nutiko...
If someone who is rich and powerful comes to you for a favor, you don't persecute him you help him. Having such a person indebted to you is a great insurance policy. There was one nation that did treat the Jews as if they were powerful and rich. The Japanese never had much exposure to Jews, and knew very little about them. In 1919 Japan fought alongside the anti-Semitic White Russians against the Communists. At that time the White Russians introduced the Japanese to the book, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Japanese studied the book and, according to all accounts, naively believed its propaganda. Their reaction was immediate and forceful they formulated a plan to encourage Jewish settlement and investment into Manchuria. People with such wealth and power as the Jews possess, the Japanese determined, are exactly the type of people with whom we want to do business!"
antanas andziulis
AtsakytiPanaikintiManau, kad klysti teigdamas apie autentiškumą.
Tau asmeniškai atsiųsiu dvi nuorodas.
Beje, ilgą straipsnį ta tema vikipedijoje vertėtų skaityti iki galo. Pradeda mintimis apie padirbinį, o baigia teigdami, kad autentiška.
Nustebinai, Antanai. Šito neteigiu. Jei matai priešingai, parodyk ir man.
AtsakytiPanaikintiantanas andziulis
nenustebinau. cia tu specas po interneta sklesti.
talpinu tavo biciuliams.
antanas andziulis
AtsakytiPanaikintiTavo skaitytojai tepasiziuri:
antanas andziulis:
AtsakytiPanaikintiar gali kaltinama puse nesiginti? :)
Beje, buitiniu kaloborantu nesiruosiam aptarineti. Klausimas: ar yra elito valia?
Николай Марков утверждает, не приводя источников, что «подлинная рукопись „Протоколов“ была изъята в 1897 году во время конгресса сионистов в Швейцарии из портфеля вождя сионистов Теодора Герцля», а «изъятие» произвёл агент российской тайной полиции[11].
antanas andziulis
AtsakytiPanaikintiir galu gale, stai autorius protokolu: