

Global security and outsourcing firm G4S has released a statement expressing its 'deep shock' and outlining details of the employee who has been identified as the gunman who killed 50 people in a nightclub in the US city of Orlando during the weekend.

The company goes on to say that Mateen "was employed by G4S at a residential community in South Florida and was off-duty at the time of the incident".

Omar Mateen,
29, a Florida resident and U.S. citizen, had undergone company screening as recently as 2013 with "no findings," his Britain-headquartered employer G4S said on Sunday.

G4S Under Scrutiny After Employing Orlando Killer Since 2007.

G4S was consistently one of the biggest contractors with the U.S. federal government after the Sept. 11, 2001,

terrorist attacks, mostly with the departments of Homeland Security and State, according to Kevin Brancato, an analyst with Bloomberg Government. The firm’s deals with the government shrank to $89.3 million in 2015, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The company employs 611,000** people worldwide, running prisons, providing security at airports and ports, and managing cash transports, according to its website.

ts U.S. headquarters are in Jupiter, Florida, about 150 miles southeast of Orlando.

... the campaign against G4S, the global private security corporation with contracts to provide security systems to Israeli jails and detention centers that imprison nearly 6,000 Palestinians.

Koks sutapimas: mane tada
elektros šoku pakratė tas pats G4S:)))
Hi guys!

Čia rasit maždaug vienodą kalinių skaičių Lietuvoj (11,070) ir Izraely (11,027 ) 2002 metais, nors Lietuvos kalėjimuos toli gražu nesėdi tiek palestiniečių, kiek Izraelio kalėjimuoso ir gyventojų Lietuvoj trissyk mažiau negu Izraely.
Taigi, izraelietis kalėjiman sėda mažiausiai trissyk rečiau negu Lietuvos Respublikos pilietis.

Lietuvoje nieko panašaus nėra.

Nors Lietuva tvirtai pirmauja Europos Sąjungoje pagal korupcijos lygį.

Izraely gyventojų gausėja, kasmet.

Lietuva gi nyksta sparčiausiai pasaulyje, neskaitant Puerto Riko ir Latvijos. 

** G4S turi 611 tūkst. karių, grėsmingoji Rusija 845 tūkst., o pati britiškoji "Jungtinė Karalystė" - tik 169 tūkst.

Ir aplamai - už G4S didesnes kariuomenes, apart Rusijos, turi dar 6 Pasaulio valstybės:

JAV 1492 tūkst, Pietų Korėja 630 tūkst., Pakistanas 644 tūkst, Indija 1325 tūkst., Šiaurės Korėja 1390 tūkst., Kinija 2333 tūkst.

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