
Bitcoin nusveria svarą


Šitų pačių.


Kai kas, kaip ykanomistai mėgsta sakyti - tai pastebėjo "trumpalaikėj perspektyvoj".

What is 'Volatility'
Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index. Volatility can either be measured by using the standard deviation or variance between returns from that same security or market index. Commonly, the higher the volatility, the riskier the security.

2. A variable in option pricing formulas showing the extent to which the return of the underlying asset will fluctuate between now and the option's expiration. Volatility, as expressed as a percentage coefficient within option-pricing formulas, arises from daily trading activities. How volatility is measured will affect the value of the coefficient used.

July 8, 2016
While bitcoin is not exactly regarded as stable — it’s bounced around between $2 and $1,137 over the past five years — it’s become an unlikely haven for currency investors in the aftermath of Brexit. On Tuesday, the 10-day historical volatility of bitcoin dropped below the pound’s. Operators of bitcoin exchanges report investors swapping pounds and euros for the digital money, and Zurich-based 
Vontobel Holding AG is courting Swiss investors with the 
country’s first bitcoin-tracking structured product.
Andrew Griffin @_andrew_griffin 17 hours ago
Pound sterling becomes more unstable than Bitcoin following Brexit.

Ir ne tik stabilumu nusveria.


Tų pačių mūsų nežinia kodėl vis dar pakenčiamų
žodžiais - truputėlį "ilgalaikėj perspektyvoj".

Štai -
Bloomberg nupaišė.

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