
Europos daunizacija

Ne, ne todėl.

Beje - ši liga Dauno sindromu pavadinta britų gydytojo John Langdon Down, kuris ligą aprašė 1866 m., garbei. Tačiau šio sindromo klinikinė išraiška buvo aprašyta kiek anksčiau Jean Etienne Dominique Esquirol’o 1838 m. ir Edouard Seguin’o 1844 m.

Bet jų vardais jų garbei nepavadino, kažkodėl.

town (n.) 

Old English tun "enclosure, garden, field, yard; farm, manor; homestead, dwelling house, mansion;" later "group of houses, village, farm," from Proto-Germanic *tunaz*tunan "fortified place" (source also of Old Saxon, Old Norse, Old Frisian tun "fence, hedge," Middle Dutch tuun "fence," Dutch tuin"garden," Old High German zun, German Zaun "fence, hedge"), an early borrowing from Celtic *dunon "hill, hill-fort" (source also of Old Irish dun, Welshdin "fortress, fortified place, camp," dinas "city," Gaulish-Latin -dunum in place names), from PIE *dhu-no- "enclosed, fortified place, hill-fort," from root*dheue- "to close, finish, come full circle" (see down (n.2)).

Meaning "inhabited place larger than a village" (mid-12c.) arose after the Norman conquest from the use of this word to correspond to French ville. The modern word is partially a generic term, applicable to cities of great size as well as places intermediate between a city and a village; such use is unusual, the only parallel is perhaps Latin oppidium, which occasionally was applied even to Rome or Athens (each of which was more properly an urbs).

First record of town hall is from late 15c. Town ball, version of baseball, is recorded from 1852. Town car (1907) originally was a motor car with an enclosed passenger compartment and open driver's seat. On the town "living the high life" is from 1712. Go to town "do (something) energetically" is first recorded 1933. Man about town "one constantly seen at public and private functions" is attested from 1734.

Parodykit Landynėj kalną:)

down (adv.) 

late Old English shortened form of Old English ofdune "downwards," from dune "from the hill," dative of dun "hill" (see down (n.2)). A sense development peculiar to English.

Used as a preposition since c. 1500. Sense of "depressed mentally" is attested from c. 1600. Slang sense of "aware, wide awake" is attested from 1812. Computer crash sense is from 1965. As a preposition from late 14c.; as an adjective from 1560s. Down-and-out is from 1889, American English, from situation of a beaten prizefighter. Down home (adj.) is 1931, American English; down the hatch as a toast is from 1931; down to the wire is 1901, from horse-racing. Down time is from 1952. Down under "Australia and New Zealand" attested from 1886; Down East "Maine" is from 1825; Down South "in the Southern states of the U.S." is attested by 1834.

Vyšegrade nėra Trijų Kryžių.

Dabar tapo akivaizdu, kad dar 1993 m. priimta naujos redakcijos Dublino konvencija, jau neatitinka dabartinių realijų. Ypač po to, kai Vokietijos kanclerė, pažeisdama Dublino konvencijos reikalavimus, pati pakvietė į savo šalį pabėgėliusnelegalus.

Tai kas!

Taigi čia Europos "maitintoja" 

dauna sf. P bot. durnaropė (Datura).


Durnaropė – vienas baisiausių pasaulio narkotikų.

Durnaropėse ir drignėse randamas skopolaminas pripažintas vienu pačių baisiausių narkotikų pasaulyje. Ši medžiaga pavarčia žmogų panašių į zombį, atima iš jo atmintį ir laisvą valią. Pavyzdžiui, skopolamino paveiktą žmogų galima priversti išimti visus pinigus iš banko sąskaitos, atiduoti namų ir automobilio raktus, rašo thespec.com.*

Kas Europą durnaropėm

* ‘Devil’s breath’...

Velnias ir Dievulis

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