
Vestuvės koncentracijos stovykloj...

Koncentracijos stovykla – genocido arba laikino įkalinimo įstaiga, kurioje žmonės laikomi teismo sprendimu arba be teismo. Koncentracijos stovykla skiriasi nuo priverčiamojo darbo stovyklos, kurioje kaliniai laikomi teismo sprendimu, nuo karo belaisvių stovyklos, kuriai galioja Ženevos konvencija ir nuo geto, kurio aptvertoje zonoje galioja laisvas režimas.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines the term concentration camp as: "A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as suspect."[6]
The Polish historian Władysław Konopczyński used the term concentration camps when describing events in Poland during the Bar Confederation rebellion (1768–72), when the Russian Empire established three prison camps for Polish captives awaiting deportation to Siberia.[7]
The English term originated in the reconcentrados (reconcentration camps) set up by the Spanish military in Cuba during the Ten Years' War (1868–78), Cuban War for Independence (1895–98), and by the United States during the Philippine–American War (1899–1902).[8]
The term concentration camp saw wider use during the Second Boer War (1899–1902), when the British operated such camps in South Africa for interning Boers.[8][9] They built 45 tented camps for Boer internees and 64 for black Africans. Of the 28,000 Boer men captured as prisoners of war, the British sent 25,630 overseas. The vast majority of Boers remaining in the local camps were women and children,[10] over 26,000 of whom died there.[10][11]
Between 1904 and 1908, the Imperial German Army operated concentration camps including the Shark Island Concentration Camp in German South-West Africa (now Namibia) as part of its genocide of the Herero and Namaqua peoples.
In the late 1930s, over 100,000 defeated or interned personnel of the Spanish Republican armed forces, along with civilians, were held in concentration camps by the government of France, including Meheri Zabbens,[12] and the Camp de concentration d'Argelès-sur-Mer in southern France. Some of them managed to go into exile or went off to join the armies of the Allies in order to fight against the Axis powers,[13] while others ended up in Nazi concentration camps.[14]
During the 20th century, the arbitrary internment of civilians by the state reached its most notorious excesses with the Nazi concentration camps (1933–45). The Nazi concentration camp system was notable for its extensive size, with as many as 15,000 camps[15] and at least 715,000 simultaneous internees.[16] The total number of combined casualties in these camps is difficult to tabulate, but the conscious policy of extermination through labor in at least some of the camps ensured that inmates would die of starvation, untreated disease and summary executions.[17] Moreover, Nazi Germany established six extermination camps, specifically designed to kill millions, primarily by gassing.[18][19]
As a result, some say that the term "concentration camp" today may be conflated with the concept of "extermination camp" and historians debate whether the term "concentration camp" or "internment camp" should be used to describe other examples of civilian internment, such as the United Statesinternment of Japanese Americans during World War II.[3]

How did a former concentration camp become a wedding venue in Lithuania?
Kauno tvirtovės VII fortas – Kauno tvirtovės dalis, esanti Žaliakalnyje priešais LSMUL Kauno klinikas (Archyvo g. 61).
Šis fortas (unikalus NKV objekto kodas – 10662) – patvarusis gynybinis įtvirtinimas, tapęs paskutiniu mūriniu Kauno tvirtovės fortu. Fortas yra arti III tvirtovės skyriaus centrinių įtvirtinimų, jis faktiškai yra tvirtovės užnugaryje. Pirmuoju forto šeimininku tapo Rusijos imperijos kariuomenės Kauno tvirtovės artilerijos 11-oji kuopa, o 1915 m. fortą be jokio pasipriešinimo užėmė kaizerinės vokiečių pajėgos.
Tai geriausiai iki šių dienų išlikęs dviejų pylimų fortas, puikiai atspindintis pirmąjį tvirtovės statybų etapą. Šiame forte išliko išliko dalis autentiškų langų rėmų bei jų varčių, šaudmenų sandėlio vartų fragmentai, o forto tvarkybos metu aptikti autentiški interjero puošybos elementai, grindinys, šaudmenų sandėlių durų ir vartų furnitūra.
Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu forte buvo įkurta pirmoji koncentracijos stovykla nacių okupuotose teritorijose.
Taigi - nebe VII Kauno fortas, o koncentracijos stovykla...

Critics say this reality is a byproduct of the Lithuanian state’s alleged failures in confronting the country’s dark history during the genocide.

“It just says a lot of bad things about my country,” said Ruta Vanagaite, a Lithuanian novelist who drew international attention to the site in a book she co-authored last year with Efraim Zuroff, the Israel director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

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