

2004 m. gegužės 1 d. Lietuva įstojo į Europos Sąjungą.

José Manuel Durão Barroso nuo 2004 m. lapkričio 23 d. iki 2014 m. spalio 31 d. vadovavo Europos Komisijai.

O dabar nuėjo tarnaut svetimiems!
Barosso išdavė SES (Socialistinę Europos Sąjungą)

ir išėjo tarnaut į SAV (Socialistines Amerikos Valstijas)!
Bet SES institucijų darbuotojai protestuoja:

More than 77,000 people signed a petition calling for "exemplary measures" against former European Commission Chief Jose Manuel Barroso for joining Goldman Sachs.
Barroso served as president of the European Commission for 10 years up to 2014. He joined Goldman Sachs as an advisor and non-executive chairman last month.
The Change.org petition was started by a "spontaneous group of employees of the European Institutions," and is open until the end of the month.
Goldman Sachs 
is singled out as being "one of the banks most implicated in the subprime crisis that led to the financial crisis of 2007-2008 – the worst since the Great Depression – as well as one of the banks most involved in the Greek debt crisis, having helped Greece dissimulate its deficit before speculating in 2009-2010 against it in full knowledge of the unsustainability of its debt."
Barroso's new job has attracted criticism, especially from France. When his move was announced, the leader of France's far-right, Marine Le Pen, said it was not surprising as because “the EU serves big finance, not the people.”
Barosso - tu,
šlykštus išdavike!

1 komentaras:

  1. įdomu, kad žmonės nebesugeba asociatyviai mąstyti - surišti tokių akivaizdžių faktų.
    Čia visai kaip su veršiais , vedamais į skerdyklą. "Nors ir skaudžiai akivaizdu, bet yra vilties, kad klystame". Prie ko priveda gyvenimas tokia viltimi kvailiams - irgi nepaslėptas.
