

Insula is the Latin word for "island" and may refer to:
1. Insula (Roman city), a block in a Roman city plan surrounded by four streets

An insula (Latin for island) is a city block in an ancient Roman city plan, i.e. one that is surrounded by four streets.[1] The term was also used for apartment buildings that took up an entire city block.[2][3]

2. Insula (building), a kind of apartment building in ancient Rome that provided housing for all but the elite

In Roman architecture, an insula (Latin for "island," plural insulae) was a kind of apartment building that housed most of the urban citizen population of ancient Rome, including ordinary people of lower- or middle-class status (the plebs) and all but the wealthiest from the upper-middle class (the equites). The term was also used to mean a city block.[1][2][3]
3. Ínsula Barataria
the governorship assigned to Sancho Panza as a prank in the novel Don Quixote

Insular cortex, a human brain structure

Sala (lot. insula) – galinių smegenų skiltis. Ji yra šoninės smegenų vagos dugne. Sala panaši į kūgį, kurį juosia žiedinė vaga (lot. sulcus circularis unsulae), atskirianti salos ilgąjį vingį (lot. gyrus longus insulae), esantį salos užpakalinėje dalyje, nuo trumpųjų vingių (lot. gyri breves insulae), kurie sudaro salos priekinę dalį. Manoma, kad sala yra skonio žievinis centras.

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