
Those Who Eat Riba

Kyrie eleison.
Riba:  (Arabic: ربا ,الربا، الربٰوة ribā or al-ribā, IPA: [ˈrɪbæː]) can be roughly translated as "usury", or unjust, exploitative gains made in trade or business under Islamic law. Riba is mentioned and condemned in several different verses in the Qur'an (3:130,4:161,30:39 and perhaps most commonly in 2:275-2:280). It is also mentioned in many hadith.
While Muslims agree that riba is prohibited, not all agree on what it is,[1][2] or whether it should be punished by humans.[3][4] It is often used as an Islamic term for interest charged on loans, and this belief—that there is a consensus among Muslims that interest is riba—is the basis of a $2 trillion Islamic banking industry. However, not all scholars equated riba with all forms of interest, and among those who do there is also disagreement over whether it is a major sin and against sharia (Islamic law), or simply discouraged (makruh).[3][4]
In addition to the unjust gains made from repayment of a loan—the full name of which is riba an-nasiya—most Islamic jurists believe there is another type of riba,[5] riba al-fadl: the simultaneous exchange of unequal quantities or qualities of a given commodity.[6][7]

Decoding Abrahamic World:

"Those who eat Ribaa will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan (Satan) leading him to insanity. That is because they say: "Trading is only like Riba," whereas Allaah has permitted trading and forbidden Riba. So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops eating Riba, shall not be punished for the past; his case is for Allaah (to judge); but whoever returns (to Riba), such are the dwellers of the Fire — they will abide therein".



Interdisciplinary and linguistic evidence for Palaeolithic continuity of Indo-European, Uralic and Altaic populations in Eurasia, with an excursus on Slavic ethnogenesis

by Mario Alinei

Expanded version of a paper read at the Conference Ancient Settlers in Europe, Kobarid, 29-30 May 2003. – Forthcoming in “Quaderni di semantica”, 26.

7.3.5 The diagnostic value of the etymological semantic change from Slav to slave
... As is known, most western European words designating the notion of “slave” derive from the Latin word sclavus, originally meaning “Slavic”: not only English slave, but also German Sklave, Dutch slaaf, Danish slave, Swedish slaaf, Welsh slaf, Breton sklav, French esclave, Spanish esclavo, Portuguese escravo, Italian schiavo, Albanian skllaf, Modern Greek sklavos, etc. The word has also entered Spanish Arabic, where it has become saklabi or siklabi, plural sakaliba, with the meaning of “eunuch”. In Italy, Lat. sclavus has developed into schiavo in the dialect of Florence, which eventually has become standard Italian. But in Northern Italian dialects, in particular in the dialects of Veneto, through regular phonetic developments, sclavus ‘Slav’ as well as ‘slave’ has become first sciavo, then sciao, and finally ciao, the Italian informal greeting, now internationally known.
Interestingly, the same development, but completely independent of the Northern Italian one, took place in South Eastern Italian dialects, where schiau has the same origin and the same meaning as ciao. Notice that South Eastern Italy was also an area of very early Slavic influence, through importation of slaves (cp. Aebischer 1936, 487).
As to the semantic change from the notion of “slave” to a simple greeting, it can be easily explained by comparing the very similar development by which in certain parts of central Europe the word servus, originally meaning “servant”, has become a common greeting.
Why is all of this important for the traditional theory of the ethnogenesis of the Slavs? Because of the passage from the meaning of ‘Slav’ to the notion of ‘slave’, and its great historical significance. Let us see this in greater detail.
There is a whole collection of medieval sources, which would take too long to list, but which have been systematically studied by the three fundamental studies on the history of Lat. sclavus (Aebischer 1936, Verlinden 1943, 1955), which shows that the earliest attestations of the word sclavus date back to the Early Middle Ages: precisely when the Slavs, in the traditional scenario, should undertake their ‘great migration’ (In other words, when Avars in 567 brought a great number of slave Slavs to Pannonia. Possible start of association Slav=slave. Start of Slavic settlements in Pannonia, recorded in Slavic annals as "When Slavs were sitting by Danube". Slavs start slowly extending their settlements in Pannonia and out of Pannonia. Wolfram 1987,70.-Translator's note).
Indeed we find the meaning ‘slave’ associated to the word sklavos sklavus generally used in Byzantine Greek and Late Latin documents of the 10th century of our era, and most philologists and historians who have discussed the problem are inclined to read “slave” instead of “Slav” in many earlier attestations. Still earlier, the first attestations of the word in the sense of “Slavic” can also be found in Greek, in the 6th century of our era. According to Vasmer himself, for example, the attestation of sclavos in Agathias (6th century) already has the meaning of “slave” (Aebischer 1936, 485).
How do scholars explain the semantic development from “Slavic” to “slave”? All historical sources irrefutably show that the Slavic area was the main reservoir of slaves in the whole period of Early Middle Ages, beginning probably in the 6th century, and with a peak around the 10th. This preference for slaves of Slavic origin – so strong as to make Slavs the slaves by anthonomasia – has been easily explained: in that period Slavic people were the only ones who were still pagan, and this detail is most important as it explains why, by choosing them, early medieval slave traders – mostly Venetian, Genoese and Jewish – did not violate the new principles of the “Societas christiana”, introduced by Pope Gregory the Great at the end of the 6th century, according to which baptized people must be excluded from slavery. So we obtain a safe dating for the word sclavus, in the sense of “slave”, which will be approximately the period between the sixth and tenth centuries.

7 komentarai:

  1. Verga's
    Ver bti
    Ver buoti
    verba muša...
    Bo ribotas
    Vo ribotas
    Su riba
    Do raba
    Do raboty
    Ryba(žuvis, guvis, ...) Raiba, raibuluojanti,.

  2. Этимология
    Происходит от праслав. *ryba «быстро двигающаяся», от кот. в числе прочего произошли: ст.-слав. рꙑба (др.-греч. ἰχθῦς), др.-русск. рыба, укр. риба, белор. рыба, болг. риба, сербохорв. риба, словенск. ríba, чешск., словацк. rуbа, польск., в.-луж., н.-луж. rуbа, полаб. roibó. Сравнивают с др.-в.-нем. rûрра, rûpa «гусеница», также «налим», ср.-в.-нем. ruрре, rûpe «налим». Сюда не относится лат. rubetа «жаба». Слав. слово, по-видимому, представляет собой табуистическое название вместо более древнего zъvь, соответствовавшего лит. žјuvìs «рыба», греч. — ἰχθῦς — то же, арм. jukn, которое ввиду созвучия с глаг. звать рыбаки избегали употреблять

    1. Žaba
      Žu fish


    2. Абазинскийabq: пслачва; псыз
      Абхазскийab: аҧсыӡ
      Аварскийav: ччугӀа
      Адыгейскийady: пцэжъый
      Азербайджанскийaz: balıq
      Аймарскийay: challwa
      Алабамскийakz: ɬaɬo
      Албанскийsq: peshk м.
      Алтайскийalt: балык
      Амхарскийam: ዓሣ (ʿaśa)
      Английскийen: fish
      Арабскийar: سمك (sámak) м.
      Арамейскийarc (иуд.): נונא (nūnā’)
      Арамейскийarc (сир.): ܢܘܢܐ (nūnā’)
      Арауканскийarn: chajwa
      Армянскийhy: ձուկ (juk)
      Арумынскийrup: pescu м., peashti м.
      Ассамскийasm: মাছ (māčʰ)
      Астурийскийast: pexe
      Африкаансaf: vis
      Ачехскийace: eungkôt
      Баварскийbar: Fiisch
      Банджарскийbjn: iwak
      Баскскийeu: arrain
      Башкирскийba: балыҡ
      Белорусскийbe: рыба ж.
      Бенгальскийbn: মাছ (māčʰ)
      Берберскийber: ⵉⵙⵍⴻⵎ
      Бикольскийbcl (центральный): sira
      Бирманскийmy: ငါး (nga:)
      Болгарскийbg: риба ж.
      Бретонскийbr: pesk м.
      Бурятскийbua: загаһан
      Валлийскийcy: pysgodyn м.
      Валлонскийwa: pexhon
      Венгерскийhu: hal
      Вепсскийvep: kala
      Верхнелужицкийhsb: ryba ж.
      Вилямовскийwym: fejś
      Водскийvot: kala
      Волапюкиvo: fit
      Волофwo: jën
      Вырускийvro: kala
      Вьетнамскийvi: cá; con cá
      Гавайскийhaw: iʻa
      Гагаузскийgag: balık
      Гаитянскийht: pwason
      Галисийскийgl: peixe м.
      Гинухскийgin: бесуре
      Годоберинскийgdo: ччугӀа
      Готский†got: ���������� ‎(fisks)
      Гренландскийkl: aalisagaq
      Греческийel: ψάρι ср.
      Грузинскийka: თევზი (t’evzi)
      Гуараниgn: pira; ipirã
      Гуджаратиgu: માછલી (māčlī) ж.
      Гэльскийgd: iasg
      Даргинскийdar: бялихъ
      Дариprs: ماهی (māhī)
      Датскийda: fisk общ.
      Дивехиdv (мальдивский): މަސް (mas)
      Древнегреческий†grc: ἰχθύς м.
      Дунганскийdng: йү
      Жемайтскийsgs: žovis
      Зазакиzza: mase
      Западнофламандскийvls: vis
      Зулуzu: inhlanzi; doba; bhibhiya; ufishi
      Ивритhe: דג (dag) м.
      Игбоibo: azụ
      Идишyi: פֿיש (fish) м.
      Идоиio: fisho
      Илоканскийilo: sida, ikan, lames
      Инари-саамскийsmn: kyeli
      Ингушскийinh: чкъаьра
      Индонезийскийid: ikan
      Интерлингваиia: pisce
      Инуктитутiu: iqaluk; ᐃᖃᓗᒃ
      Инупиакik: qaluk
      Ирландскийga: iasc
      Исландскийis: fiskur м.
      Испанскийes: pescado м., pez м.
      Итальянскийit: pesce м.
      Йорубаyo: e̩ja
      Кабардино-черкесскийkbd: бдзэжьей
      Казахскийkk: балық
      Калмыцкийxal: заһсн
      Каннадаkn: ಮೀನು (mīnu); ಮತ್ಸ್ಯ (matsya)
      Каракалпакскийkaa: balıq
      Карачаево-балкарскийkrc: чабакъ
      Карельскийkrl: kala
      Каталанскийca: peix м.
      Кашубскийcsb: rëba ж.
      Кечуаqu: challwa
      Кикуйюkik: thamaki
      Киргизскийky: балык
      Китайский (традиц.): 魚 (yú)
      Китайский (упрощ.): 鱼
      Колтта-саамскийsms: kue´ll
      Коми-зырянскийkom: чери
      Коми-пермяцкийkoi: чери
      Конканиkok: जळ्के (jaḷke)
      Корейскийko: 물고기 (mulgogi)
      Корнскийkw: pysk
      Корсиканскийco: pesciu
      Корякскийkpy: ынныын
      Косаxh: intlanzi
      Криcr: ᑭᒧᓭᐤ ‎(kinosew), ᓇᒣᔅ ‎(names)
      Крымскотатарскийcrh: balıq
      Кумыкскийkum: балыкъ
      Курдскийku: masî; ماسی
      Кхмерскийkm: ត្រី (dt’rēi)
      Лакотаlkt: hoǧáŋ
      Лакскийlbe: чавахъ; хӀава; балугъ
      Лаосскийlo: ປາ (pā)
      Латгальскийltg: zivs
      Латинскийla: piscis
      Латышскийlv: zivs ж.
      Лезгинскийlez: гъед; кӀезри
      Ливскийliv: kalā
      Лимбургскийli: vusj (vèsj)
      Лингалаln: mbisi
      Литовскийlt: žuvis
      Ломбардскийlmo: pès
      Люксембургскийlb: Fësch
      Македонскийmk: риба ж.
      Малагасийскийmg: hazandrano; biby andrano; haza; trondro
      Малайскийms: ikan
      Малаяламml: മീന്‍ (meen), മത്സ്യം (mathsyam)
      Мальтийскийmt: ħuta
      Маориmi: ika; ngohi
      Маратхиmr: मासा (māsā); मासळी (māsḷī)
      Марийскийchm: кол
      Масайскийmas: osinkirri
      Мегрельскийxmf: ჩხომი ‎(čxomi)
      Мирандскийmwl: pés
      Мокшанскийmdf: кал
      Молдавскийmo: пеште
      Монгольскийmn: загас
      Мэнскийgv: eeast
      Навахоnv: łóóʼ
      Нанайскийgld: согдата
      Науатльnah: michin
      Нганасанскийnio: колы
      Неаполитано-калабрийскийnap: pesce
      Неварскийnew: न्या ‎(nyā), ञ ‎(ña)
      Немецкийde: Fisch м. -es, -e
      Ненецкийyrk: халя
      Непальскийne: माछा ‎(māchā)
      Нивхскийniv: чо
      Нидерландскийnl: vis
      Нижнелужицкийdsb: ryba ж.
      Нижнесаксонскийnds: Fisch
      Новиальиnov: fishe
      Ногайскийnog: балык
      Норвежскийno: fisk м.
      Оджибваoj: ᑮᑰᓒ, giigoonh
      Окситанскийoc: peis; peisson
      Орияor: ମତ୍ସ୍ଯ ‎(matsya)
      Оромоom: qurxummii
      Осетинскийos: кӕсаг; (крупная) кӕф; диг.: кӕсалгӕ
      Османский†ota: بالق ‎(balık)
      Палиpi: maccha
      Панджабиpa: ਮੱਛੀ (mačʰčʰī)
      Яоium: mbiauz
      Японскийja: 魚 (さかな, sakana), 魚肉

      Pasaka be galo....

    3. Serbentas

    4. Raudė ryba raudonai raiba
      Raudonavodėnaja .......

    5. Lašiša
      La salo menkė
