
UK's Shocking Use Of Chemical Weapons

The use of chemical weapons in Syria 
has outraged the world. But it is easy to forget that Britain has used them – and that Winston Churchill was a powerful advocate for them
A staggering 50,000 M Devices were shipped to Russia: British aerial attacks using them began on 27 August 1919, targeting the village of Emtsa, 120 miles south of Archangel. Bolshevik soldiers were seen fleeing in panic as the green chemical gas drifted towards them. Those caught in the cloud vomited blood, then collapsed unconscious.

The attacks continued throughout September on many Bolshevik-held villages: Chunova, Vikhtova, Pocha, Chorga, Tavoigor and Zapolki. But the weapons proved less effective than Churchill had hoped, partly because of the damp autumn weather. By September, the attacks were halted then stopped. Two weeks later the remaining weapons were dumped in the White Sea. They remain on the seabed to this day in 40 fathoms of water.

“The Right Medicine for the Bolshevist”: British air-dropped chemical weapons in North Russia, 1919,’ Imperial War Museum Review, No. 12, 1999.

3 komentarai:

  1. https://www.google.lt/search?q=Porton+Down

    Ar galima statyti(turėti) cheminio ginklo gamyklas(labaratorijas)?


    Gal lietuviams kur saugiau bėgt iš Anglijos Vartü Dauno?

    Juk rusai jei kals į tä chemcentrã, tai maža nepasirodys? O, tai gal ten rusü tä nuodü gamykla, jei trigubiii agentai nuodus centran tempia? Turėtü nemažai visokiü nuodü į centriukä suvežti iš viso svieto atsargü, kad toks judėjimas, kad net buteliukai sudužta ar rankinėje pasispaudžia?

  2. Most of the work carried out at Porton Down has to date remained secret. Bruce George, Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Defence Select Committee, told BBC News on 20 August 1999 that:

    "I would not say that the Defence Committee is micro-managing either DERA or Porton Down. We visit it, but, with eleven members of Parliament and five staff covering a labyrinthine department like the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces, it would be quite erroneous of me and misleading for me to say that we know everything that’s going on in Porton Down. It’s too big for us to know, and secondly, there are many things happening there that I’m not even certain Ministers are fully aware of, let alone Parliamentarians."[25]

    Ai ai:)

  3. Su tais žaislais kaip su dopingu: kas pirmesnis, tas „gudresnis" - mat:

    1. Laimėjo.

    2. Kitiem nebegalima.

    Graikiškas šitas berazumių žaidimas, mat graikiškai protos - pirmas:)
