The Trappists, like many other religious orders, originally brewed beer to feed the community, in a perspective of self-sufficiency. Nowadays, Trappist breweries also brew beer to fund their works and charitable causes.
Beers from recognised Trappist breweries: Achel, Chimay, Engelszell, La Trappe, Orval, Spencer, Rochefort, Tre Fontane, Westmalle, Westvleteren, and Zundert
Monasteries started brewing beer as early as the 5th century and at its peak, over 600 monasteries in Europe were brewing their own beer.
The monks certainly did enjoy the fruits of their labor. They drank up to four liters of ale per day per person and even relied on beer for nutrition during fasting.
Происходит от др.-греч. τράπεζα «стол», далее из τρίς «трижды, три раза» (из τρεῖς «три», восходит к праиндоевр. *trey-) + πούς (род. п. ποδός) «нога», далее из праиндоевр. *ped- «нога».
Spiritus Sanctus!
A calque of Ancient Greek Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον (Pneûma tò Hagion, "Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit"), from πνεῦμα (pneûma, "breath, vital force, soul") + ἅγιος (hágios, "holy").
A calque?
Alcohol distillation was known to Islamic chemists as early as the eighth century.[3][4] The Arab chemist, al-Kindi, unambiguously described the distillation of wine in a treatise titled as "The Book of the chemistry of Perfume and Distillations".[5][6][7]
Interesting maps;)Karaliui Aleksandrui dėkui - už božnicą ir karčemą.
Klebonui - už Spiritus
Jiems abiems, darbdaviams geradariams - už baudžiauninkų pareigas, minimaliai apmokamas, suprantama.
Ūmėdytės tokios trãpios, skanios Kvr. Paliepės labai trãpios, žemėse labiau įlindę, baltos tokiõs Grnk. Guotė tokia trapi̇̀, balta, y[ra] i pilkų Sdb. Baravykai, kai jauni, valgyt trãpūs Vs. Trapi̇̀ mėsa, lūžta meknių DrskŽ. Trapioji tešla KlK37,74. Trapusis pyragaitis KlK37,74. Trapùs pyragas DŽ1.
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