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  1. Zdarova! Pasirodo, tai yra reiškinys, turintis net ir savo pavadinimą: gėrybinis mazochizmas


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    Язык Богов 

    All Worlds (Universe) Literacy is a Specific Knowledge System of Everything in All, All Words of the Worlds. By those create themselves All the Worlds! It is the Key to all the Sciences and Religions of the Earth. This Literacy is inscribed in the Genetics of Life on Earth and All the Worlds, in Genetics of Man. It's foundations are Everywhere. These are the First Language and the Commandment, History and Etymology, Astronomy and Biology, Physics and Chemistry, Politics and Economics, Sigmonics and Eugenics and many others. It is known that the History of the Human Bio-Civilization totals about 40 million years. Knowing Literacy, you can consciously use your brain up to 100% or more. Involve 30-33 senses, of which generally known 5. The rest are little-known 28 in anabiosis. This Literacy gives an opportunity to awaken from the hibernation 28 senses - pleasures and to acquire these abilities as Life's necessities. The Literacy of Universe enlightens people, gives them a way of true Intelligence, how to resurrect and save Life on Terra Earth

    Perkūnija už lango dunda

  3. Writing as a reminder.

    Man is characterized by a multidimensional Perception (more than 3 measures), because Man is the Carrier of an Intellect. 8 thousand years ago, due to the gradual loss of Intelligence, the best scientists undertook the preparation of a "cheat sheet" that would become a reminder for mankind and an indispensable tool of restoring what had been lost. The task was to display in 2 dimensions on the plane of Multidimensional Primary-Elements - the Primary Principles of Life-Building (the construction of Matter and all Life). Huge Knowledge (!) Five centuries continued this Titanic work. The result of which was the display on the plane of the Signs (Values) named - Bukovy.

    For terrestrial use, the number of such First Principles-Primordial Elements is 147, whose collection is called the Alphabet. This is how the Letter of Multimeasure  appeared and displayed in the "compressed" Two Measures field. In the realities, this Primordial Alphabet of Creator is multidimensional, where every Letter is by 1 Measure more than the previous one.

    In 2012, since the introduction of the planar Letter on our Planet, 7519 years have passed.

    The method by which Multi-Dimentional Principles were mapped onto a flat Plane is quite accessible to those who are accustomed to the Three-dimensional perception (length-width-height). This method involves a step-by-step climb from the original Measure to the next. He is also the key to understanding the multidimensionality of building Worlds.

    Principal Grounds.

    All Worlds (Universe) Literacy is a Specific Key Knowledge System of All Sciences. This is a Genuine Path of Knowledge! 

    AllTheWorld Literacy is a Specific Knowledge System of Everything in All, All Words of of the Worlds. By this are all the worlds created! It is the Key to all the Sciences and Religions of the Earth. This Literacy  is inscribed in the Genetics of Life on Earth and All the Worlds, in Genetics of Man. It's foundations are Everywhere. These are the First Language and the Commandment, History and Etymology, Astronomy and Biology, Physics and Chemistry, Politics and Economics, Sigmonics and Eugenics and many others.

    It is known that the History of the Human Bio-Civilization totals about 40 million years. Knowing Literacy, you can consciously use your brain up to 100% or more.
    Involve 30-33 senses, of which generally known 5. The rest are little-known 28 in anabiosis. This Literacy gives an opportunity to awaken from the hibernation 28 senses - pleasures and to acquire these abilities as Life's necessities.
    The Literacy of Universe enlightens people, gives them a way of true Intelligence, how to resurrect and save Life on Terra Earth.

    So the name of our planet is written -  

    Writing as a reminder.

    Man is characterized by a multidimensional Perception (more than 3 measures), because Man is the Carrier of an Intellect. 8 thousand years ago, due to the gradual loss of Intelligence, the best scientists undertook the preparation of a "cheat sheet" that would become a reminder for mankind and an indispensable tool of restoring what had been lost. The task was to display in 2 dimensions on the plane of Multidimensional Primary-Elements - the Primary Principles of Life-Building (the construction of Matter and all Life). Huge Knowledge (!) Five centuries continued this Titanic work. The result of which was the display on the plane of the Signs (Values) named - Bukovy.

    For terrestrial use, the number of such First Principles-Primordial Elements is 147, whose collection is called the Alphabet. This is how the Letter of Multimeasure  appeared and displayed in the "compressed" Two Measures field. In the realities, this Primordial Alphabet of Creator is multidimensional, where every Letter is by 1 Measure more than the previous one.

    In 2012, since the introduction of the planar Letter on our Planet, 7519 years have passed.

  4. The method by which Multi-Dimentional Principles were mapped onto a flat Plane is quite accessible to those who are accustomed to the Three-dimensional perception (length-width-height). This method involves a step-by-step climb from the original Measure to the next. He is also the key to understanding the multidimensionality of building Worlds.

    Principal Grounds.

    Everything begins with a Point. Point is the Concentrate of all former best Qualities and Achievements of some Biosystem. The point is the primordial nature of the Path of Ascent on a particular Spatial-Temporary Continuum Stage. Throughout the journey, there is an increase in the workflow and the Objective qualities of All the Healthy-ascending entities on this Stage. At the same time, the Point grows into a huge Multidimensional Biosystem. Then, rising to the next Step, this Biosystem is sigmatized into the Concentrate of all the best achievements of this Stage - into the New Point, with New Quality, on the New Stage of Ascension. Etc. (From Sigmonica - Science of the Ascension).

    On the understanding of multidimensionality


    1 Measure -  DEEP.
    Out of many such unique Concentric Points, the Direct Line is being formed, the original ray is the union of Points. This is how One-Dimensional Matter is organized.

    2 Measure -  WIDTH. With the accumulation of a critical number of Points in the Straight line, it curves and becomes a Curve and begins to master the Plane. At the same time, the original points that have merged and scribed into the Curve become a Two-Dimensional object. (Is the one-dimensional object infinite - Direct Line? / Question from Real Mathematics)

    3 Measure -  LONG.After mastering the Plane of the 2nd Measure, the combination of Points, incrementing in quantity, and having reached a new critical state and is sigmonic, begins to line up in the 3rd Dimension, i.e. to be spiraled, to be structured into the Factor of the First Order. (Is the two-dimensional Object infinite-Curve?)Matter of the third measure is constructed from such primary Spirals. But the ascent of Matter follows.

    4 Measure -  THICKNESS. When the critical number of turns is reached, the Spiral begins to wrap up and merge from a simple Spiral into a Spiral of the Spiral - the Factor of the 2nd Order. (Is the three-dimensional object infinte - the Spiral?) So Matter 4 Measures is constructed.

    5 Measure -  FOAMING. The Fifth Measure and all the subsequent ones are structured in the same way: the smaller Spiral of the Spiral is wrapped in a Spiral by 1 level more - The Spiral of the Spiral of the Spiral is the Factor of the 3rd Order.

    After the Factor of the Third Order, from the 6th Measures, a more subtle Matter - Spiral from the Spiral of the three Spirals begins to be structured. This is the Fourth Order Factor.And only the Matter is structured to the Factor of the 8th Order, i.e. 10 Measures Matter - PIIT - acquires the properties of transparency.The Matter of the Tenth Measure is the last in a series of Rough Matter (what we sense here as a solid body). In modern science, the method of which is only about 200 years old, only rough Matter is mistakenly called matter, although other structurations are also created Matter, but more subtle and, unfortunately, not perceived by people in their present unreasonable state.

  5. The Science of the Ascension - Sigmonic

    The principles of the Ascent from the original Measure to the next one are studied by the science of Sigmonics."Periodic system of chemical primary elements", is formed on the same principle as the Bukovy (Characters) alphabet in 147 characters. What does it mean, each subsequent element in the "Periodic System of Chemical Elements" and each subsequent Bukov (Character) in the Alphabet is 1 Measure more than the previous one.Consider the ascent of any Biosystem from one Spatial-Temporary Continuum Stage (STCS) to the subsequent STCS.

    The figure shows how the Ascension begins with the principle that displays Bukov (Az), and at the same Step ends with the acquisition of new qualities and the MultiMeasures that the 64th Bukova - (Ot) displays. Then follows the passage through the Lukomorny Zone (which was described by Alexander Pushkin) and the entrance to the subsequent STCS where the Ascension begins again with the principle of Bukovy Az and follows to Ot. This is especially true for Humans, the Concentrators of the Universes, who for a short period of Time ascend from Zygotha "UH, YOU" to the Divine Creation in the Highest Image and Likeness.

    At the Ascent to another STCS 64 elements are sigmoniced - united from beginning in a NewPoint. And, it beginns to ascend the BioStructure - NewPoint or Man, on each STCS passes 8 subitems by 8 steps on each SubStep to the following Measures, i.e. Again 64 steps.

    Each Point, ascending to the next STCS, is a 65-Dimensional Object in view of it from the previous STCS. At the same time, starting from the original Measure to the other, the BioStructure includes all the MultiMeasure qualities that have been developed before and therefore is considered as constructive multidirectional element.

    From Az to Ot - 64 steps of the Ascension, 64 Bukovy, 64 Measures.

    64 steps of Ascension, is denoted as, "Az Ot of the Life Force".
    64 steps of the Ascension - Bukovy, showing the general precepts of the Ascension of All Biosystems for all Spatial-Temporary Continuum Levels. This is how the MultiMeasures of Space and Time is constructed.

    Understanding of the multidimensionality helps to awaken from the hibernation the Perception of the MultiMeasures, the depths and beauties of God's Worlds. To restore the inherented INTELLIGENCE of man!

    While the current scientists with "technocratic eyes" - telescopes, by their three-dimensional perception can "see" the supposedly dying stars, in fact, these Stars with their Planetary Systems and BiotCivilizations go up to the New, even more Multimensional status, and so far obtaining new unseen Qualities to human beings. Only with a small limited perception the neighboring Planets, Stars, Galaxies are seen as very distant.

    Biologicality of the Mind

    Mastering the original Alphabet, a person reveals his Genetic Memory. Thus, there is a Restoration of the Biology of Mind.

    It is the Biologicality of Mind that allows us to remember, even about the connections with our neighboring Star System - Solar, with our Galaxy - the Milky Way, from our Universe - AllWorld Russia.
    The ancients knew that Life goes up on the Spiral

  6. «Три  пути  ведут  в  храм  Богов:  
    1. Путь  Чистого  Сердца;  
    2.  Путь  Сильного  Духа;  
    3.  Путь  Ясных  Помыслов.  
    Боги  Ясным  Оком  зрят  твои  чаянья  и  Ясно  решают  Судьбу.  Ясно  даруют  радость,  тем,  кто  Чист  Душой.  Ясно  палят  страданиями  Скверных.  Входи  смело  в  Храм  сей».  

    Этрусски - Геты-Русские...

    Юрий Ульянов

    ЭТРУССКИ  –  Словяно-Арийские  племена,  осевшие  на  Аппенинском  полуострове  и  Севере  Италии,  начиная  с  III  тысячелетия  до  нашей  эры.  Сами  себя  Этрусски  называли  –  Расенами.  Некоторые  Итальянские  историки  считают  первым  предводителем  Этрусских  переселенцев  –  Разена  (до  сих  пор  фамилия  Разини  одна  из  самых  популярных  на  Севере  Италии).  Есть  даже  версия,  выдвинутая  Фадеем  Воланским,  основывавшимся  на  мнении  более  древних  авторов,  что  князь  Разена  (древний  Стёпка  Разин)  привёл  свой  Род  в  Италию  из  Волго-Окско-Донского  бассейна  Руси,  а  точнее  с  Рязанщины,  так  как,  Ръшань,  Расань,  Резань  и  Рязань  –  это  всего  лишь  производные  одного  и  того  же  слова,  означающего  в  переводе  –  «ОтРезок  Родной  земли».  А  одно  из  пришедших  на  Аппенины  племён  так  и  прозвали  –  Окски  (Оски).  

    У  Эллинов  родственниками  Этрусского  народа  считались  –  Лелеги  (Аисты).  Лелеги  в  Троянской  войне  упоминаются  как  союзники  Троянцев.  Первым  Спартанским  царём  (диархом)  был  именно  –  Лелег.  Спартанцы  унаследовали  от  Лелегов  и  государственную  структуру  управления.  Тотемным  знаком  Лелегов,  от  которого  и  произошло  их  название,  был  –  Аист  (Лелек).  У  многих  Южных  Словян  Лелек  до  сих  пор  имеет  определение,  как  –  Аист.  Хотя  у  Северных  Словян  Аист  называется  –  Стерх.  

    C Т ЕР Х ? Učyc student!

  7. http://paliokas.blogspot.com/2019/04/blog-post_0.html?m=1

    Putin Vor, no ne pederast!
