
Dyzelinės ReVoliucijos

2019, USA

2019 Lietuvoje (galima pamanyti, kad nėra čia nei dyzelinių lokomotyvų, nei dyzelinių laivų, nei dyzelinu varomų sunkvežimių, nei dyzelinių jėgainių):

"Arčiau Dvaro" esančioje Vokietijoje „Dyzelinis Spektaklis" prasidėjo gerokai anksčiau:
VW "pliauskų gavo", beje, JAV-ose.

Beje, Lietuvos ReGitra mus įspėjo dar užpernai, 2017-tais:
O tose JAV-ose ne tik Vakarų Finansų  VairaLazdė, bet ir, beje, DYZELINIŲ MAŠINIKIŲ TIK 3 PROCENTUKAI:

Cha cha cha?

O ... tai kodėl susimokėt vėl POPOLO


Gal todėl, kad IDIOTA?
Labai netgi gali būti...

BACK IN 1998 the EU promoted diesel as a more environmentally friendly fuel. Diesel contains more carbon than petrol but carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of diesels tend to be lower. So by giving motorists incentives to buy more diesel than petrol cars the EU hoped this would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

To encourage motorists to buy diesel, the government changed the VRT and motor tax system from one based on engine capacity to one based on CO2 emissions.
The tax on diesel fuel is also lower than petrol. As a result, diesel sales soared. The ratio of new petrol to diesel cars in 2007 in Ireland was 72 per cent to 28 per cent. In 2014, the ratio had almost exactly switched to 26 per cent versus 74 per cent.


2019 10 14
Roughly 80 per cent of the world’s existing and planned battery production capacity is in Asia, according to Bloomberg data. China alone has 69 per cent, with the US at 15 per cent and the EU at under 4 per cent. 

Four groups planning to build European rival to Tesla’s ‘gigafactory’

2019 11 03
VGTU mokslininkai: nauji dyzeliniai automobiliai mažiau taršesni nei benzininiai

2019 01 09
China is also the source of another crucial trend in global Electric Vehicle manufacturing: over the last few years, it has rapidly established itself as the global leader, leaving Europe and other regions behind

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