
Swastika And David Star In Nepal

Vienas iš šių laikų judaizmo simbolių – Dovydo žvaigždė, Indijoje, Nepale ir Tibete reiškia išminties ir žinių simbolį. Ant kiekvienos Nepalo mokyklos fasado puikuojasi Dovydo žvaigždė.
Durbar High School

As I was walking in one of the side streets on my first day in Kathmandu, I was astonished to see the Swastika crafted on the gate of tiny little temple. I approached and to my surprise, the Star of David was just there, beside it. 
My mind could not get, is it a kind of Anti-Semitic movement? ... It intrigued me for a few days after, as I kept seeing it frequently across the city, till I decided to ask a local. And it turned out that both are ... purely Hindu symbols! The Swastika is a very sacred symbol in Hinduism representing auspiciousness, that was later copied by the Nazi regime (with little alternation). As for the David Star or Hexagram, it represents the emergence of the male and female, with the upward triangle representing Shiva (the masculine side of God) and the downward triangle representing Shakti (its feminine side).

1 komentaras:

  1. Karalius Dovydas pirmas pradėjo įkaitinta geležimi ženklinti įdingus niekšus,Žmonių priešus. Privatizuotas slepiamos praeities.
