
Mošė Kantor Lietuvoje

Mošė Kantor:

Rusijos TarpTautinis (Visuomenės) Veikėjas, Žydų Lyderis!

Žydų Lyderis:

Dr. Moshe Kantor is a prominent public figure, international philanthropist and scientist who has served as the President of the European Jewish Congress since 2007. He is known worldwide for his fight against antisemitism, racism, neo-Nazism, negationism and intolerance. The prosperity, freedom and security of the Jewish people are his first priorities. Under his leadership, EJC has become a universal recognised unified voice of European Jews.

In 2005, Moshe Kantor founded the World Holocaust Forum Foundation (WHF), established to support Holocaust remembrance activities for the sake of preserving the historical memory of nations all over the world and preventing future tragedies. The same year, he initiated and organised, in partnership with WHF, the first “Let My People Live!” International Forum in Krakow, Poland, to mark 60 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Since then, the Forum has acquired great support from the European Union institutions and Heads of State as well as high-ranking politicians and distinguished personalities. It has become a tradition to organise the Forum on historical dates and sites related to the Shoah. The Fourth “Let My People Live!” International Forum was organised in 2015 in Prague and Theresienstadt, Czech Republic, in collaboration with the President of the Czech Republic and the President of the European Parliament.

In 2006 Kantor founded the European Jewish Fund (EJF), which focuses on promoting Jewish life throughout Europe by supporting educational and leadership programmes aimed at reinforcing Jewish identity, culture and traditions, especially by re-connecting people with their rich and vital Jewish heritage.

The International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe founded by Moshe Kantor in 2007 is today the largest non-governmental expert institution of its kind uniting leading world-renowned specialists on non-proliferation of nuclear arms, materials and delivery vehicles.Moshe Kantor is also the founder and president of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR). Created in 2008, ECTR is a non-governmental organisation composed of former European Heads of State, Nobel Peace Prize laureates and other world-renowned individuals for their achievements in promoting tolerance. From 2008 until 2014, ECTR was co-chaired by Aleksander Kwaśniewski, former President of Poland. Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has assumed this position since 2015. The ECTR was established to monitor European countries’ adherence to principles of democracy and tolerance and to develop practical initiatives aimed at promoting mutual understanding and reconciliation between peoples and cultures.

In light of rising antisemitism worldwide, he initiated in 2010 the creation of the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry in Tel Aviv University and the Moshe Kantor database for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism. The Kantor Center’s team, headed by Prof. Dina Porat since its inception, provides an academic framework for research and awareness raising in three main directions: the monitoring and analysis of antisemitism worldwide; domestic and international legislation for equality; and the evolving developments in contemporary Jewish European demography and culture – all areas in which Dr. Kantor has been investing remarkable efforts, and reached notable achievements, on the national and international levels. The Kantor Center publishes annually the ‘Antisemitism Worldwide Report’ recognised internationally and used by European Union institutions and international organisations as one of the main sources of information and reliable research on the trends, sources and manifestations of antisemitism in the world.In 2010, Yad Vashem nominated Moshe Kantor as Member of the Directorate.

In 2012, Moshe Kantor launched the SACC programme, which deals with the security and crisis management of European Jewish communities. Due to the aggravation of the threat, the programme expanded into a new entity “SACC by EJC” which opened its headquarters in Vienna in 2016.

During the 14th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) that took place in Budapest in 2013, Moshe Kantor was elected as Chairman of the WJC Policy Council. He was re-elected in the same capacity at the 15th WJC Plenary Assembly that was held in New York in April 2017.

O prie ko čia Lietuva - paklausit?

Prieš porą metelių:

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos lyderis Ramūnas Karbauskis sako kol kas nematantis pagrindo jam priklausančiam „Agrokoncernui“ nutraukti ryšius su Kremliui artimo verslininko įmone „Acron“.

The Group is ultimately controlled by Viatcheslav Kantor.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor (Russian: Вячеслав Моше Кантор, born on September 8, 1953 in Moscow) is a Russian international public figure, a Jewish leader, businessman, peace activist, international philanthropist and scientist, who actively participates in the promotion of tolerance and reconciliation in the modern world. He is also engaged in fight against racism, antisemitismxenophobianeo-Nazism and intolerance, discussing and elaborating ways to stop nuclear proliferation and prevent a nuclear catastrophe.
Kantor is President of the European Jewish Congress, President of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), President of the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe, President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation (WHF), Chairman of the European Jewish Fund (EJF), and Chairman of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Policy Council.[2][3]
In 2018, Forbes estimated Kantor's net worth at US$3.7 billion, making him the 29th richest person in Russia[4] and the 630th richest person in the world.[5] In 2019, Kantor entered The Sunday Times Rich List for the first time, with an estimated wealth of £2.992 billion.[6]

Ši įmonė parduoda trąšas „Agrokoncernui“, o jos savininkas Viačeslavas Mošė Kantoras yra įtrauktas į Jungtinių Valstijų neseniai paskelbtą „Kremliaus sąrašą“ (ČIA TAI BENT!!!!!). „Bet kuri Lietuvos įmonė, Europos Sąjungos įmonė ar pasaulio įmonė, jeigu bus sankcijos pritaikytos vienai ar kitai Rusijos įmonei, jos iš tos įmonės importuoti nieko negalės. Tai yra visiškai akivaizdu ir visos įmonės – ar jos būtų susijusios su manimi, ar ne – bet kokiu atveju to daryti negalės“, – „Info TV“ laidai „Savaitės panorama“ sakė R.Karbauskis.

Prieš trejetą metų ir tris mėnesius:

„Agrokoncernas“ iš „Acron“ importuoja amonio salietrą ir karbamidą. Anot Izraelio spaudos, V. Kantoras yra labai artimas Vladimirui Putinui.

Na ką?

Štai ką!!

Perskaitykim įdėmiai.

Ir pagalvokim.

Ką darysim, pagalvokim.

2 komentarai:

  1. 1+1=2? Valdovai nuo Augimo(Dievo) 

    Tokia Matematika onkologinė ir nepriklauso Žmonėm. Nežinant Tarimo reikšmės, juoda tampa balta per Dvasinę išraišką!

    pvz žydas-žydėti linkintis aidas,bet ištarūs su vidiniu karteliu, Žodžio rezultatas- Šulxan Arux/įdingiem nukrautas stalas

    Lansbergis-LaAnZBerg(Kolektyvine Dvasia Gracingai Žydėjimo Kalnas. Ženklus pasiima kabalistai-$etonistai pvz:

    žynodami Švaistiklio Galią iš Г-ENO,jį sukišo Vokietijai. Jei nelaimės,tai Švaistiklį apdergs visam

    Gyvuliai turi ėsti GMO produktus,jie laisvi ir galingi per 1+1=2
