
Eesti Täna


Prime Minister Juri Ratas
(Center) says that the Estonian economy is exhibiting several warning signals and should prepare for possible crisis, but at the same time did not confirm the country was in crisis already.

"What is undoubtedly of uppermost concern today is the lives and health of the people of Estonia," Ratas said at prime minister's question time at the Riigikogu Wednesday.

"There is no way around the warning signs in the economy, and there are at present many of them," je added, noting that existing economic forecasts are no longer applicable, but that new, replacement forecasts could not be drawn up yet.

He did however note that the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Estonia are currently working on updating economic forecasts as quickly as possible.

"Making new reliable forecasts is impossible at the moment, and we must be ready to face a possible crisis," Ratas said, adding that the state has the capability to take out a loan where needed.

Ratas also praised the work of Minister of Finance Martin Helme (EKRE) and added that in the present situation, closer communication between the government and the Riigikogu is required.

"The government has convened a working group chaired by the minister of finance, which is in the process of mapping out all dangers and warning signs," he said.

Estonian government ministers do not sit in the Riigikogu, but must appear before it on a regular basis, to answer questions.

Finance minister Martin Helme said Tuesday evening on ETV's "Esimene stuudio" politics show that the country was in an economic crisis which may exceed that which began in 2008, but at the same time the solution would not be austerity measures.

Economic affairs minister Taavi Aas (Center) appeared on ERR's politics discussion show "Otse uudistemajast" Wednesday and said that infrastructure schemes such as construction and roadworks were one possible economic stimulus, while adding that there were no plans to raise taxes or cut public sector pay.

Analyst with major bank SEB Mihkel Nestor said Wednesday that it was difficult to say whether there is a recession ahead.


Министерство финансов Эстонии объявило о начале экономического кризиса в стране. В условиях распространения коронавируса и обвала нефтяных цен балтийская республика столкнулась с оттоком капитала, падением объёмов торговли, туризма и производства. При этом похожее положение дел эксперты отмечают и в других странах Европы. По словам специалистов, текущая экономическая ситуация в ЕС стала самой тяжёлой за последние 12 лет и многие государства региона также могут столкнуться с рецессией.

На фоне распространения коронавируса в мире и масштабного обвала цен на нефть экономика Эстонии вошла в фазу экономического спада. Об этом в среду, 11 марта, заявил министр финансов страны Мартин Хельме.
юбопытно, что ещё в октябре 2019 года Международный валютный фонд (МВФ) прогнозировал рост экономики Эстонии в 2020-м на 2,9%. Впрочем, сегодня, в условиях непредсказуемо меняющейся ситуации, планировать наперёд практически невозможно, считает глава эстонского Минфина.

«Мы видим, что всё произошло в течение двух месяцев, в европейском контексте — двух недель. Первый вывод — такой плохой «видимости», как сейчас в экономике, у нас никогда не было. Мы не имеем возможности прогнозировать, что будет через две недели, через два месяца», — добавил министр.

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