

Coronavirus could drive half a billion people into poverty worldwide, warns Oxfam

The fallout from the coronavirus spread that has killed more than 83,000 people and wreaked havoc on economies around the world could push around half a billion people into poverty, Oxfam said on Thursday.

The report released by the Nairobi-based charity ahead of next week's International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank annual meeting calculated the impact of the crisis on global poverty due to shrinking household incomes or consumption.

"The economic crisis that is rapidly unfolding is deeper than the 2008 global financial crisis," the report found.

"The estimates show that, regardless of the scenario, global poverty could increase for the first time since 1990," it said, adding that this could throw some countries back to poverty levels last seen some three decades ago.

... since 1990 ...

3 komentarai:

  1. MŪ Širdieş Ženklaş virto velnio $ėkla


    ŠVenta kOROva bun kOr Ona nOri KA pEinu šviežiu rūpėnt ŽMogū

  2. НУт ?! Мо Ол Ло Ко!? ~ GArMonija

    В славянской мифологии Небесная Корова Земун — мать Бога Велеса. В «Велесовой книге» сказано:

    «И тут Корова Земунь пошла в поля синие и начала есть траву ту и давать Молоко. И потекло то Молоко по хлябям небесным, и звездами засветилось над нами в ночи» (



  3. https://youtu.be/5gCwKszNp1Q


    VakУme TuśtuMA Tušta Tiršta TY ШТi УМА

