
NauSėdijoj Smagu

2021.01.30 17:24


Prezidentūra BNS atsisakė komentuoti informaciją apie S. Cichanouskajos nominavimą.

„Mes nekomentuosime informacijos dėl Nobelio taikos premijos“, – BNS šeštadienį sakė prezidento patarėjas Ridas Jasiulionis.

alfa.lt & HipoKratas


alfoj.lt (ir mūsų Valdžikėj) bene bus nė negirdėję apie Hipokrato Priesaiką?

O straipsnis apie “grožio kliniką”:)


Putinas PaToliPonavo Bidenui

Alio Alio!

Ar atvirkščiai - Bidenas Putinui?

Hitlerio "Mein Kampf" Vėl Vokietijoje



Germany sees 'overwhelming' sales of Hitler's Mein Kampf

3 January 2017

The German publisher of a special annotated edition of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf says sales have soared since its launch a year ago.

About 85,000 German-language copies of the anti-Semitic Nazi manifesto have been sold. Publisher Andreas Wirsching said "the figures overwhelmed us".

He is director of the Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ) in Munich.

But the sales are well below those of best-sellers in Germany. It is an academic edition, costing €58 (£49).

At the end of January the IfZ will launch a sixth print run. The book contains critical notes by scholars.

Unlike the Nazi-era editions, the IfZ's Mein Kampf (My Struggle) has a plain white cover - without a picture of Hitler. The swastika and other Nazi symbols are banned in Germany.

Kremlin taunts Britain with a picture of England's 1938 football team doing the Nazi salute after Boris Johnson likened Russia's World Cup to Hitler's Olympics amid row over spy poisoning (2018)

Ta pati nuotrauka 2012:)

Hitler Was a British Agent (True Crime Solving History Series, Vol. 2)

Paperback – October 1, 2006

This is the most comprehensive and honest Hitler Biography, offering a whole new and unique look at all the old chestnuts surrounding Adolf Hitler's rise to power. The author uses the personal assistance of a Spymaster in marshalling much new material surrounding Hitler's origins, his sexuality, and his British Training, long hidden by a conspiracy of British and American political leaders. He takes an in depth look at the British Royal Family and finds them wanting, full of spies, perverts, and morons, with the morons being the least dangerous.

He delves into the James Bond myths and finds the true James Bond was a lot younger and more homicidal than anyone had previously thought. He interview James Bond III on one of the last 'hits' on Adolf Hitler, well after his official death.

He also provides a new take on the mystery surrounding Rudolph Hess. An amazing thought-provoking study from the already detail history of Hess. State secrets abound on nearly every page.

Greg Hallett: I interviewed the KGB in Moscow in December 1989 at a point when they were open, due to lack of pay. At the time you could buy information for the price of a meal. This led to some psychological information being supplied which led to international contacts and meeting with a Spymaster. The Spymaster and other intelligence operatives have been briefing me for the past three years resulting in ten books. This is book five of ten (and just to confuse you) there are four books in this immediate series.

Hitler was a British Agent covers Hitler's incestuous parentage, his training in Britain, his sex with men, his bizarre sexual habits with women, including fake suicides and murders made to look like suicides. It delves into Hitler's psychiatric condition and how, during his missing year, he was manipulated by 'deconstruction' to perform as a British Agent, that is, an agent for the British war machine.

The book covers Hess and doppelgänger Hess' simultaneous flight to Britain, Anthony Blunt's conception by a royal, Wallis Simpson's sexual practises with King Edward VIII and how she leaked British secrets to Hitler.

Hitler was a British Agent covers Operation JAMES BOND to remove Martin Bormann out of Berlin and exposes for the first time Operation WINNIE THE POOH to remove Hitler out of Berlin. It reveals that the origins of the Cold War were in the hunt for the missing Hitler from 1 May 1945 and this became the excuse for surveillance in virtually every country in the world. Hitler was a British Agent leaves an air that everything that happens now, happens because of 1945.

In the 18 chapters it covers the masterful deceptions of war, the creation of war, the training of top level double agents, the repeated faking of their deaths and their escapes, making this book something of an illusion-buster with applications to the analysis of war now and formulas for the time in between wars. The book explains how the 'real' history applies to the 'real' present.

Many intelligence officers were interviewed in writing this book and they have given the low-down on what really happened in the many wars from 1936. In some cases, they, or their fathers, were the main players in the vignettes. These personal histories date back to the Spanish Civil War with George Orwell and redefine the origins of Animal Farm.


Ronald Reigan In Moscow 1988


Maskvos M.Lomonosovo Universitete 1988 metų gegužės 31 dieną:

Steigiamasis Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio suvažiavimas įvyko 1988 metų spalio 22–23 d. 

Triukšmas Holokausto Aukų Atminimo Dieną


Minima: 2021.01.27

Šią dieną 1945 metais buvo išlaisvinta Aušvico (Osvencimo) koncentracijos stovykla Lenkijoje. Jungtinių Tautų Generalinė Asamblėja 2005 metų lapkričio 1 dienos rezoliucija paskelbė sausio 27-ąją kasmetine Tarptautine holokausto

aukų atminimo diena. Šioje rezoliucijoje atmetamas holokausto neigimas, smerkiama diskriminacija ir prievarta religiniu ar etniniu pagrindu.

Automobily per radiją šiandien išgirdau, kad dėl šio straipsnio piktinosi Faina Kuklianski ir Emanuelis Zingeris, nuo jo atsiribojo Gabrielius Landsbergis - pavadino iį  "neadekvačiais komentarais". 

O juk "triukšmingojo" straipsnio autorius Valdas Rakutis yra TS-LKD frakcijos Seime narys, o Gabrielius Landsbergis - TS-LKD vadovas.

Paskaitykim, žinosim, ar yra dėl ko piktintis.

* Priminsiu, kad vieną iš pasaulyje retų "Tautinių" Holokausto dienų dar 1990-jų metų spalio 31 dieną mums įtaisė Aukščiausias Valstybės Pareigūnas.



Baltarusijos aferistė Kolegova su bendrais klastojo dokumentus ir vogė paaukotus pinigus

Ilfo ir Petrovo „Dvylikoje kėdžių“ ir „Aukso veršyje“ aprašyti sukčių triukai atgimė „Gerovės valstybėje“ Lietuvoje. Juos čia pritaikė Baltarusijos aferistų gauja, kurios nariai apsimetė kovotojais su Lukašenkos režimu ir vogė lietuvių paaukotus pinigus, padirbinėjo oficialius dokumentus. Visa tai šiandien paviešino LRT žurnalistės Indrė Makaraitytė ir Rūta Juknevičiūtė.

Nesenai buvo pranešta, kad mokslas Lietuvos universitetuose brangs. Aš ta proga noriu paklausti: kiek už mūsų pinigus Lietuvoje mokysis „nukentėjusiųjų“ baltarusių, o kiek Natalijos Kolegovos aferistų gaujos atvežtų sukčių? Gal naujoji Lietuvos Generalinė prokurorė atsakys į šį klausimą, gal ji imsis šitos nusikaltėlių gaujos sodinimo už grotų? Ar mums teks laukti, kol pasipils aferistai iš Rusijos, apsimetę nukentėjusiais A.Navalno rėmėjais.




The Chi Rho (/ˈk ˈr/; also known as chrismon[1]) is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi.[2]

The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (r. 306–337 AD) as part of a military standard (vexillum). Constantine's standard was known as the Labarum

The labarum (Greekλάβαρον) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the "Chi-Rho" symbol , a christogram formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (GreekΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ).[2] It was first used by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.[3]

Ancient sources draw an unambiguous distinction between the two terms "labarum" and "Chi-Rho", even though later usage sometimes regards the two as synonyms. The name labarum was applied both to the original standard used by Constantine the Great and to the many standards produced in imitation of it in the Late Antique world, and subsequently.

O Konstantinas Didysis gimė Niše,

mieste, žinomam nuo Romos imperijos laikų Naissus pavadinimu.

Anų laikų Naisiai:)


labãrytis sm. (1)

1. antrosios vestuvių dienos rytą griežiamas maršas: Muzikos labãrytį sugrojo Dkš.
2. pirmieji marčios pusryčiai po vestuvių, patiekiami iš atsivežto maisto ir atsivežtuose induose: Ar gerą labãrytį marti atsivežė? Rdm.
 labãrytį dúoti pasveikinti (rytą): Išjodamas, mergužyt, labarytį duosiu; labarytį duosiu, kepuružę kelsiu RD183.

Wuhan Flag @ Columbiad Space Gun


Chinese-army Wuhan flag (1911-1928)

A red flag with a black nine-pointed star and yellow disks was used during the conquest of Wuhan on 10 October 1911. It was later considered a "historical" flag and was used as the war flag by the army. It was never used for civil purposes.

Mario Fabretto, 20 October 1997

Officially the 18-star flag ("War Flag") was designed in late September 1911 by Chen Lei and the Zhao brothers, three technical college students in Wuhan at the time. Twenty flags of this design were then made in secret by a local tailor shop owned by the Zhao family (whether this Zhao family was related to the Zhao brothers is not clear).
The 18 stars represented the 18 provinces of China at the time.
Miles Li, 16, 18 March, 2005

Other depictions:

2019: COVID-19

Wuhan’s seafood market, believed to be the origin of COVID-19, remains sealed

Cape Canaveral

or "Port Canaveral", is a city in Brevard County, Florida, most famous as the home of America's launch pad, Kennedy Space Center

Apollo 7 capsule lifts off from Cape Canaveral (1968)

The city of Cape Canaveral lies just south of the Port Canaveral District.[2] 

 The 1865 Jules Verne 

novel From the Earth to the Moon 

located its "Baltimore Gun Club" which sent the mission to the Moon about 100 miles away. Mike Gruntman (2004). Blazing the Trail: The Early History Spacecraft and Rocketry. Library of Flight. Reston, Virginia: International

From the Earth to the Moon: A Direct Route in 97 Hours, 20 Minutes (FrenchDe la Terre à la Lune, trajet direct en 97 heures 20 minutes) is an 1865 novel by Jules Verne. It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post-American Civil War society of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous Columbiad space gun and launch three people—the Gun Club's president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goal of a Moon landing.

...Columbia ...