
Nevaldoma ekonomika

Niujorke sulaikytam TVF vadovui D.Straussui-Kahnui pateikti kriminaliniai kaltinimai dėl seksualinio išpuolio.

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16. Google: ekonomikos valdymas 10:47 05-15 IP:
On May 14, 2011, Strauss-Kahn was arrested and removed from an Air France flight moments before taking off, as part of an investigation of his alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid in a room at the midtown Sofitel New York Hotel shortly before leaving for the airport. New York Police Department spokesman Brian Sessa said Strauss-Kahn would likely be charged the next day after being held overnight at a police precinct. A police spokesman said he will be charged with " a criminal sexual act, attempted rape, and unlawful imprisonment" . His lawyer said he will plead not guilty. Whether the arrest, coupled with his past sexual improprieties, will have any impact on his legitimacy with French voters and role in the Socialist Party is not known.

In the past Strauss-Kahn was involved in a scandal at the IMF over his affair with a subordinate economist. He had also previously been accused of aggressively seeking sexual gratification in 2002 by a French journalist and writer, Tristane Banon. (Wikipedia)

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2. Benai, atvaryk į Nidą! 09:25 05-13 IP:
O tai, sprendžiant iš fotkės, prastai miegasi

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