
Lietuviški ilgieji Britanijoje

Pažiūrėkit (dėkui Vladui), kaip ankstyvaisiais viduramžiais iš britų salų išsidanginus jų užkariautojams romėnams, britonai pasidirbdino lietuviškus ilguosius.

Dalis "iššifruoto" diktoriaus teksto:

When the super power of Rome crumbled, the Brittons’ once vibrant economy came crashing down with it. The old life of the villas, towns and trade collapsed.

Here’s a classic example of what you get on the Romans’ military side. Look at this lovely little coin here. This is a kind of arcadias, 393 [turima galvoje AD], one of the last issues to come to Britain, really. They started to get incredibly devalued for people who no longer trusted money like this in the past. 

(Kokia sena finansinė krizė:))

And so, no money being minted, they can’t trust the old one, so how can you buy stuff at all (kaip apskritai galima ką nors nuspirkti), so what can you do? The short answer is to melt the Roman coins, extract the silver from them (precious metal), and use them as currency bars instead. What we have here is a solid silver ingot that was manufactured in (???  neaiškiai taria) by the people who lived here just at the end of the Roman Britain. You want to buy something – you just chop a bit off and hand it over to the dealer, and he can trust that, he can actually give something to you for it.
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Keltams, kaip ir kitiems lietuviams, mainetos nepatiko.

P.S. Vėl Vladas parodė - štai X amžiaus  lobis, rastas Britanijoje, su kapomis, kurias vadiname lietuviškais ilgaisiais:

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