Dvi tautos
- Polish - officially recognized; dominant language, used by most of the Commonwealth's nobility and by the peasantry in the Crown province; official language in the Crown chancellery and since 1697 in the Grand Duchy chancellery. Dominant language in the towns.
- Latin - off. recog.; commonly used in foreign relations and popular as a second language among some of the nobility.
- French
- not officially recognized; replaced Latin at the royal court in
Warsaw in the beginning of the 18th century as a language used in
foreign relations and as genuine spoken language. It was commonly used as a language of science and literature and as a second language among some of the nobility.
- Chancellery Ruthenian - also known as Chancellery Slavonic; off. recog.; official language in the Grand Duchy chancellery until 1697 (when replaced by Polish); used in some foreign relations its dialects were widely used in the Grand Duchy and eastern parts of the Crown as spoken language.
- Lithuanian - not officially recognised; but used in some official documents in the Grand Duchy and, mostly, used as a spoken language in the northwest part of the Grand Duchy (in Lithuania Proper) and the northern part of Royal Prussia (Polish Prussia).
- German - off. recog.; used in some foreign relations, in Polish Prussia and by minorities in cities.
- Hebrew - off. recog.; used by the Jews in their religious matters;
- Yiddish, used by the Jews in their daily life but not recognized as an official language.
- Italian - not officially recognised; used in some foreign relations and by Italian minorities in cities.
- Armenian - off. recog. used by the Armenian minority.
- Arabic - not officially recognised; used in some foreign relations and by Tatars in their religious matters, they also wrote Ruthenian in the Arabic script.
First Anniversary anthem of the Constitution of May 3, 1791 (1792) in Hebrew, Polish, German and French.
Kokių dviejų tautų ta respublika?
Kodėl taip?
Nes lenkai anksčiau už lietuvius sukūrė valstybę?
Pinigai, ne šitie.
Pinigai, valdomi iš lenkiškosios The Crown ją padidino, nuo šitokios, o Lietuvą sumažino.
Rzecz pospolita
Žečpos polita
Lituania tartarija
Lieta tautorija
Lietuvos tėvonija tavynė tauta teritorija...
Respublika žemaičių lietuvos tau tų(two, tų, tau ir tau, dvieju karaliukų vok arų ir ryt arų....) tėvonijų... Kažkas panašaus.