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The 2013 Bulgarian anti-monopoly protests were civil demonstrations against high electricity and hot water bills resulting from monopolism in the sphere that began in Blagoevgrad on 28 January 2013, subsequently spread to over 30 cities in Bulgaria and ended with the resignation of Boiko Borisov government on 20 February 2013. They were caused by abnormally high electricity bills, but later turned into a mass non-partisan movement against the government and the political system. The events were marked by seven self-immolations, spontaneous demonstrations and a strong sentiment against political parties.

Ar skaitėt tokius mūsų apipavidalintojų-deformuotojų tekstus?

Electrical power distribution in Bulgaria was managed by a state-owned monopoly until 2005, when the government sold 67% of it to three foreign power companies - German E.ON, Austrian EVN Group and Czech ČEZ Group. In 2011, E.ON sold its Bulgarian branch to Energo-Pro, a private Czech power company, and on the next year the state sold its stakes in CEZ. The state also sold its power distribution infrastructure to these private distributors, thus losing control over the management of profits.

In addition, residents of Sofia have been voicing their concerns for years against the city's district heating provider – Toplofikatsiya Sofia, which has a monopoly on heat distribution in the city. Discontent has been created by very high prices and the fact that the company only reviews readings from customers' calorimetres once a year and the rest of the time it forms bills using "estimates", the complex and allegedly illegal formulas the company uses for calculating the bills and the lack of accountability and the practices of the so-called "heating accountancy firms", which act as middle-men between Toplofikatsiya and its customers.

Tie patys scenarijai, kaip ir čia, Lietuvoj.

K Street.

Vakar: Hundreds of protesters built barricades around Bulgaria's parliament, effectively trapping over 100 lawmakers, ministers, and journalists in the building for more than seven hours on Tuesday following a brief scuffle with police.

Iš pavadinimo atrodo, kad parlamentą blokavo policija.

Išties, policininkų skydai - ant žemės, solidarizuojantis su protestuotojais.


Vengrijos įstatymų leidėjai gruodžio 17 dieną didele persvara nubalsavo už konstitucijos pataisą, uždrausiančią užsieniečiams pirkti žemės ūkio paskirties sklypų.

Kur mūsų žiniasklaida?

Kodėl neskleidžia žinios?

Konstitucija sergės Vengrijos žemę kaip nacionalinę vertybę, mūsų bendrą paveldą ir gyvenimo pagrindą, taip pat saugos ją nuo vidaus ir užsienio spekuliantų“, – sakoma šeštadienį išplatintame Kaimo plėtros ministerijos pranešime.

Pardavę žemę tampa svečiais savame krašte, kuriuos bet kada gali išprašyti lauk.

Amerikos indėnai.


Vingio parkas.

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