
Žiaurus turtas

„Microsoft“ įkūrėjas B.Gatesas - žiauriai turtingas, labai įtakingas ir nepaprastai dosnus.

Berniukas mėgavosi žaisdamas stalo žaidimus. „Risk“ buvo jo mylimiausias, o daugiausia pergalių nuskindavo žaisdamas „Monopolį“.

„Jis buvo bjaurus“, - tiesiai šviesiai trenkia B.Gateso sesuo Libby Armintrout. Įsiplieskus ginčui tarp dviejų ugnių stodavo tėvas. Tačiau per vieną tokių konfliktų ir jam, paprastai išlaikančiam šaltus nervus, trūko kantrybė ir sūnui į veidą šliūkštelėjo stiklinę vandens. „Ačiū už dušą“, - sureagavo jaunesnysis Billas.

Tėvai sūnų netgi buvo nuvedę pas gydytojus, kur Billas pasakė, jog tarp jo ir tėvų paskelbtas karas, mat šie pernelyg jį kontroliuoja. Medikai tėvams patarė būti pakantiems, nes atžala neabejotinai laimės mūšį dėl nepriklausomybės.

1993 m. grįždamas iš Palm Springso, kur lankėsi drauge su būsimąja žmona, B.Gatesas privatų lėktuvą pasuka į Omahą. B.Gateso draugas turtuolis Warrenas Buffetas juos palydi į savo juvelyrinę parduotuvę, kur B.Gatesas Melindai nuperka sužieduotuvių žiedą.

B.Gatesui tuo metu buvo 38, o jo draugui turtuoliui Warrenui Buffetui - 63 metai.

Mokėsi Gebenės Lygoj, bet metė mokslus, ir t.t., ir pan.

44. žiauriai turtingas, labai įtakingas ir nepaprastai dosnus 2013-09-30 00:06 IP:
His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president. (Wikipedia) Teisininko ir bankininkės vaikas, nacionalinio banko prezidento anūkas - Bilas Gatesas.

O apipavidalintojas rašo, kad mama - mokytoja: Jo tėtis Williamas H.Gatesas II buvo advokatas darboholikas, o motina Mary Gates dirbo mokytoja.

O apie senelį - nacionalinio banko prezidentą, išvis tyli.

Užtat rašo apie „Risk“, „Monopolį“, apie tai, kad „jis buvo bjaurus“, kad paskelbė karą tėvams.

Ir jūs, vaikai, taip darykit?

Apipavidalintojas rašo, kad "tapęs multimilijonieriumi P.Allenas atsitraukė iš kompanijos priešakinių linijų", tuo tarpu Wikipedia rašo kad Bilo Gateso vaikystės draugas ir "Microsoft" kūrėjas Paulas Alenas "atsitraukė iš kompanijos priešakinių linijų" po sunkios ligos:

Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1982. His cancer was successfully treated by several months of radiation therapy. However, he did not return to Microsoft and began distancing himself from the company. Allen officially resigned from his position on the Microsoft Board of Directors in November 2000 but was asked to consult as a senior strategy advisor to the company's executives. He sold 68 million shares of Microsoft stock that year, but still owns a reported 138 million shares.


 After earning a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT, Allen went to Washington State University but dropped out after two years in order to work as a programmer for Honeywell in Boston, placing him near his old friend again. Allen later convinced Gates to drop out of Harvard University in order to create Microsoft.

Allen came up with the original name of "Micro-Soft," as recounted in a 1995 Fortune magazine article. In 1980, after promising to deliver IBM a Disk Operating System (DOS) they had not yet developed for the Intel 8088-based IBM PC, Allen spearheaded a deal for Microsoft to purchase a Quick and Dirty Operating System (QDOS) written by Tim Paterson who, at the time, was employed at Seattle Computer Products. As a result of this transaction, Microsoft was able to secure a contract to supply the DOS that would eventually run on IBM's PC line. This contract with IBM was the watershed in Microsoft history that led to Allen and Gates' wealth.


In 1980, she discussed with John Opel, a fellow committee member who was the chairman of the International Business Machines Corporation, her son's company. Mr. Opel, by some accounts, mentioned Mrs. Gates to other I.B.M. executives.

A few weeks later, I.B.M. took a chance by hiring Microsoft, then a small software firm, to develop an operating system for its first personal computer.

2008 m. vasarį Europos Komisija nubaudžia kompaniją rekordine 899 mln. eurų bauda, nes „Microsoft“ nesilaiko antimonopolinių nuostatų. Kompanija su bauda nesutinka.

On 27 February 2008, the EU fined Microsoft an additional €899 million (US$1.44 billion) for failure to comply with the March 2004 antitrust decision. This represented the largest penalty ever imposed in 50 years of EU competition policy until 2009, when the European Commission fined Intel €1.06 billion ($1.45 billion) for anti-competitive behaviour. This latest decision follows a prior €280.5 million fine for non-compliance, covering the period from 21 June 2006 until 21 October 2007. On 9 May 2008, Microsoft lodged an appeal in the European Court of First Instance seeking to overturn the €899 million fine, officially stating that it intended to use the action as a "constructive effort to seek clarity from the court"

In its 2008 Annual Report Microsoft stated:

The European Commission closely scrutinizes the design of high-volume Microsoft products and the terms on which we make certain technologies used in these products, such as file formats, programming interfaces, and protocols, available to other companies. In 2004, the Commission ordered us to create new versions of Windows that do not include certain multimedia technologies and to provide our competitors with specifications for how to implement certain proprietary Windows communications protocols in their own products. The Commission’s impact on product design may limit our ability to innovate in Windows or other products in the future, diminish the developer appeal of the Windows platform, and increase our product development costs. The availability of licenses related to protocols and file formats may enable competitors to develop software products that better mimic the functionality of our own products which could result in decreased sales of our products.

On 27 June 2012, the General Court upheld the fine, but reduced it from €899 million to €860 million. The difference was due to a "miscalculation" by the European Commission. The commission's decision to fine Microsoft was not challenged by the court, saying the company had blocked fair access to its markets. E.U. competition commissioner, Joaquín Almunia, has said that such fines may not be effective in preventing anti-competitive behavior and that the commission now preferred to seek settlements that restrict businesses' plans instead. As such, 'The New York Times called the Microsoft decision "a decision that could mark the end of an era in antitrust law in which regulators used big fines to bring technology giants to heel."

Nesveiksta technologijų gigantai nuo baudų.


Joaquín Almunia pastebėjo, kad nesveiksta "and that the commission now preferred to seek settlements that restrict businesses' plans instead".

Mūsų ubagai sveiksta, o Global Players nesveiksta.

Koks įdomus efektas!

Grįžkim į Bilo Gateso senelio vadovaujamą Nnacionalinį banką.

National bank of United States.

Įdomi istorija.

In the United States, the term "national bank" originally referred to the revolutionary era Bank of North America, later, First Bank of the United States, or its successor the Second Bank of the United States. All are now defunct.


Why all are now defunct?

In the modern U.S. the term "national bank" has a precise meaning: a banking institution chartered and supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC"), an agency in the U.S. Treasury Department, pursuant to the National Bank Act.

Ir t.t., ir pan.

Būdavo, anksčiau, Nacionaliniu banku vadindavo šalies centrinį banką, būna, tebevadina. 

Bet ne JAV.

The Federal Reserve is the United States' central bank.

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