

Sankcija (pr. sanction; iš lot. sanctio, grasinimas nubausti; sancire, vertinti, negrąžinamai įtvirtinti, grasinti bausme) – socialinėje sistemoje integruotas poveikis, nukreiptas į sistemos, jos posistemių, elementų aktyvumą, sąveiką, kurio paskirtis yra (ne)tiesiogiai skatinti, remti arba slopinti jų veikimą (ar neveiklumą).
Sankcijos Rusijai
Kryžiaus žygis.
sanction (n.)
early 15c., "confirmation or enactment of a law," from Latin sanctionem (nominative sanctio) "act of decreeing or ordaining," also "decree, ordinance," noun of action from past participle stem of sancire "to decree, confirm, ratify, make sacred" (see saint (n.)). Originally especially of ecclesiastical decrees.

saint (n.)
early 12c., from Old French saint, seinte "a saint; a holy relic," displacing or altering Old English sanct, both from Latin sanctus "holy, consecrated" (used as a noun in Late Latin; also source of Spanish santo, santa, Italian san, etc.), properly past participle of sancire "consecrate" (see sacred).
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