
Russische Sprache

Užvakar vienas mano draugas didžiai užpyko kai pasakiau frazę rusiškai.

Ar taip užsirūstintų, jei prabilčiau angliškai?
Kanclerė, anot A. Lukašenkos, buvo labai „dėmesinga“. „Žmogiškumas jai yra pirmoje vietoje, po to eina visa kita, - susižavėjimo A. Merkel neslėpė Baltarusijos prezidentas. - Ji kalba stebėtinai puikiai rusiškai“.

Pasisekė Angelai Merkel, kad sutiko Aleksandrą Lukašenką, o ne mano draugą...

Merkel speaks French, but she's more comfortable in English (and more comfortable still in Russian or, of course, German)...

SPIEGEL: Will you speak Russian with Russian President Vladimir Putin?

MERKEL: We've already seen each other, and when possible -- and when my language ability allowed it -- I used the occassional sentence in Russian. But the Russian president speaks such good German, that the chances that I speak German with him are clearly greater. Otherwise there are always interpreters.

Angela Merkel is from the former East Block in Germany and speaks fluent Russian. And that as the head of the KGB Putin was stationed in Dresden Germany for a long time and except for the Russian rolling r speaks grammatically correct, unaccented, fluent German. 

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