
Verbų Sekmadienis 1991

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Jau po Sausio 13-osios, taip išeitų, šį pašto ženklą SSSR atspaudė.

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Lithuanian church liturgy surrounding Easter week rites, including Palm Sunday, are comparable to those in other parts of the world. However, many Easter traditions outside that church liturgy are uniquely Lithuanian.

Palm Sunday in Lithuania has its own unique tradition.While many countries in non-humid/warm climates import palms for their Palm Sunday celebrations, many residents of these countries have never seen an actual palm except for the commercial imported dried palm leaves.

Lithuanians do not import the palm leaves.

On Palm Sunday Lithuanians who attend church bring a branch of the verba, or dwarfed spruce tree, to be blessed. They carefully choose and cut well-formed branches of the verba on Saturday, then weave into them branches of indiginous plants—sprigs from juniper, misteltoe, weeping willows, pussy willows, and osier—and decorate them with colorful dried flowers. The verba used for Palm Sunday are more like bouquets than the traditional palm branches are.

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