
Gyventojai eina vieni pas kitus

Trakų rajone toliau plintant afrikiniam kiaulių marui, Veterinarijos tarnyba ketina imtis "žiauresnių priemonių". Anot jos vadovo Jono Miliaus, gyventojai turės paskersti kiaules, o šernus bus galima šaudyti, naudojant naktinio matymo prietaisus bei duslintuvus.
"Priėmėme sprendimą, kad iki rugsėjo 1 dienos išskerstų 10 kilometrų spinduliu gyventojai kiaules (aplink kiekvieną židinį - BNS), nes matote, kas darosi. Gyventojai nesilaiko biosaugos priemonių, kurios visiems žinomos - eina vieni pas kitus,
šeria neapdirbtais pašarais ir taip toliau", - BNS sakė J.Milius.

Iš kur tas afrikinis kiaulių maras?

Paklauskim Europos.

Evolution of the disease situation in Europe

Georgia first reported ASF to the OIE on 5 June 2007, however mass mortality of pigs was reported at least 2 months before. The virus was likely introduced into Georgia by ship waste disposed around the port of Poti
and subsequently entered the pig population through pigs FED from this ship 

The virus was shown to be Genotype II with a close relationship to virus strains from Southeast Africa ( Mozambique, Madagascar and Zambia). The disease then quickly spread through the whole country and abroad.

In Armenia ASF was first reported on 6 August 2007. Azerbaijan only reported outbreaks occurred in January 2008. In the following years it spread into the neighbouring countries of South Caucasus, and then in Russia, where it spread widely. Currently, the disease is considered endemic in southern Russia and in an area approximately 300 km west from Moscow, both in domestic pigs and in the wild boar. Outbreaks of disease are also frequently reported in other areas in Western Russia (See maps below).

Russia reported to the OIE around 400 outbreaks due to ASF with approximately 12.500 cases in domestic pigs (out of 500.000 susceptible pigs) and 600 cases in wild boar since 2007.

Ukraine reported ASF in 2012 and in 2014. In 2013, Belarus notified 2 outbreaks of ASF, one of them very close to the border with Lithuania and Poland and reported 27 cases in wild boar.

African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating infectious disease of pigs, usually deadly. No vaccine exists to combat this virus. It does not affect humans nor does it affect other animal species other than pigs and wild boars. It can be transmitted either via direct animal contact or via dissemination of contaminated food (e.g. sausages or uncooked meat).

Lithuania made, in January 2014, the first notification of ASF cases in wild boar, and Poland followed in February 2014. In June and September 2014, Latvia and Estonia respectively also reported ASF. The disease is confined to the eastern part of these countries, along the border with Belarus and the Russian Federation. The disease is suspected to spread to the EU from the Russian Federation (RF) via Belarus.

The disease has been successfully confined to the Italian island of Sardinia

for several decades now.

This advocates for the efficacy of the EU control measures.

A decade is a period of 10 years.

Matot, kokia bėda užklupo Europą!

Į Počio uostą po kelių ramių dešimtmečių atplaukė tas nelemtas likely probabilistinis laivas.

O dabar dar tie nesusipratėliai Trakų rajono gyventojai, it kokie trakgrūšiai patrakėliai,
eina vieni pas kitus...

Lietuviškos kriuksės:)
Interior Minister Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas said the government will also turn to the EU Commission asking to finance a fence along Belarus' border to prevent the movement of boars.


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