
Putinas stengias dėl Landynės

At the same time, fears about the future of the Russian economy are encouraging a dramatic outflow of capital. Many of those who have done well in the last decade fear that in hard times Mr Putin could expropriate assets in order to keep things going. According to some estimates, the exodus of capital since the latest phase of the Ukrainian crisis began in November 2013 could amount to $300bn by the end of this year. Some physical assets cannot be moved but cash and wealth in other forms certainly can. No one is doing more for London estate agents at the moment than Vladimir Putin.

Ir t.t., ir pan.

At the same time, fears about the future of the Russian economy are encouraging a dramatic outflow of capital. Many of those who have done well in the last decade fear that in hard times Mr Putin could expropriate assets in order to keep things going. According to some estimates, the exodus of capital since the latest phase of the Ukrainian crisis began in November 2013 could amount to $300bn by the end of this year. Some physical assets cannot be moved but cash and wealth in other forms certainly can. No one is doing more for London estate agents at the moment than Vladimir Putin.

 No one is doing more for London estate agents at the moment than Vladimir Putin.
Aha, o tas naftos kainas mušti Putinui padeda "grupuotė Valstybė" ir netgi kurdai.

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