
Tyčiojamės Iš Matematikos

Matematika - Karalienė?

Baikit juokus.

Štai koks laiškas iš Tartu:

Dear colleagues,

The conference "Teaching mathematics: Retrospective and perspectives“ will be postponed.

We are sorry to announce that due to structural reforms at our university we are not able to organize the conference in Tartu this spring. From September there will be more people in our institute who can take part in organizing the conference.

So, the 20th Baltic Conference "Teaching mathematics: Retrospective and perspectives" will take place in Tartu 7-8 May 2020 organised by Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu.

There will be detailed information in September.

On behalf of organizing committee,

Sirje Pihlap

Ne mes tyčiojamės, o estai?
Jei nežinot, tai žinokit: Lietuvoj jau porą metų niekas nestoja mokytis matematikos mokytoju.

Viena pažįstama vienuolė, kai šitai jai pasakiau, nusijuokė:

- Nieko baisaus: bažnyčioj aritmetikos pamokys:)


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