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Dėl įtikinamumo fotoatelje meistrams reikia su Photoshop'u berželių mašinų stovėjimo aikštelėj pripaišyti:

DigitalGlobe, April 12, 2010

against Google, ©2009:

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7. Eurisdikcija
18:05 05-29 IP:
Jeigu kaltė teks pilotams, žuvusiųjų artimieji gaus kompensacijas.

O gal tie meistrai, paprasčiausiai, dirba pastariesiems?

P.S. Contrary to earlier reports, the full, unabridged transcripts of the contents of black boxes recovered from the TU 154 which crashed in Smolensk on April 10 will not be made public, after Russia blocked the move.

The Kremlin has said that publication of evidence is against the Chicago Convention on International Aviation (1948) which stipulates rules on the transfer of information about plane disasters across international borders.

Poland’s Interior Minister Jerzy Miller met with Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei Ivanov in Moscow this morning, where the formal agreement to hand over the evidence was signed.

Minister Miller later confirmed that: “The restrictions arise from the Chicago Convention. [The decision not to publish the recordings] was a choice of a lesser of two evils. Information that creates a negative image of someone, but at the same time has nothing to do with the course of events, must not be published.”

However, the minister also said that now that Poland has come into possession of transcripts of the recording, Warsaw will decide on the next step.

“Poland will be the owner of these documents. Russia will be informed if we decide to disclose anything. That’s what we agreed on – we won’t surprise each other with information which could have broader implications for any party,” Miller said.

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