
Litus Saxonum

sakstýtis, sãkstosi, sãkstėsi
žr. sekioti 1 (refl.): Nebsakstýkis pėdas kaip lokės (meškos) J.


Вероятно, самоназвание саксов было иное, а античные авторы, впервые использовавшие это слово, произвели его от сакса — типичного оружия саксов, боевого ножа.

Seni barbarų laikai, už šiuos senesni - nei litografijos, nei literų, nei literatūros, nei liturgijos - tik plikas litus, jei, žinoma, neskaityti megalitų.


famous resort island off Venice, from It. lido, from L. litus "shore."

from Lith. Lietuva, of unknown origin, perhaps from a PIE source related to L. litus "shore" and thus meaning "shoreland." Related: Lithuanian.

littoral (adj.)
"pertaining to the seashore," 1650s, from L. littoralis "of or belonging to the seashore," from litus (gen. litoris) "seashore" (cf. Lido), of unknown origin, possibly from PIE root *lei- "to flow." The noun is first recorded 1828, from It. littorale, originally an adjective, from L. littoralis.






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coast (n.)
"margin of the land," early 14c.; earlier "rib as a part of the body" (early 12c.), from O.Fr. coste "rib, side, flank; slope, incline;" later "coast, shore" (12c., Mod.Fr. côte), from L. costa "a rib," perhaps related to a root word for "bone" (cf. O.C.S. kosti "bone," also see osseous). Latin costa developed a secondary sense in M.L. of "the shore," via notion of the "side" of the land, as well as "side of a hill," and this passed into Romanic (cf. It. costa "coast, side," Sp. cuesta "slope," costa "coast"), but only in the Germanic languages that borrowed it is it fully specialized in this sense (cf. Du. kust, Swed. kust, Ger. Küste, Dan. kyst). French also used this word for "hillside, slope," which led to verb meaning "sled downhill," first attested 1775 in Amer.Eng. The verb is from mid-14c. in the sense "to skirt, to go around the sides or border" of something (as a ship does the coastline); of motor vehicles, "to move without thrust from the engine," by 1925; figurative use, of persons, "not to exert oneself," by 1934. Related: Coasted; coasting. Expression the coast is clear (16c.) is an image of landing on a shore unguarded by enemies.

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Kaliningrado-Karaliaučiaus-Kunnegsgarbo Katedra.

- На ваших, литовских, костях она построена.

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