

Šiuoplaikinis slengas...

Slengo terminai dažnai būna specifiniai tam tikroje subkultūroje, tokioje kaip muzikantai, riedlentininkai ir mažumos atstovai.

Arba politikai:

713,55 milijono litų - tokią sumą per 2014–2020 metus iš Europos Sąjungos fondų buvo nusprendę pritraukti prasiskolinusių Šiaulių valdininkai

Galima sakyt, pavyko.
slang (n.) 
1756, "special vocabulary of tramps or thieves," later "jargon of a particular profession" (1801), of uncertain origin, perhaps from a Scandinavian source, cf. Norwegian slengenamn "nickname," slengja kjeften "to abuse with words," literally "to sling the jaw," related to Old Norse slyngva "to sling." But OED, while admitting "some approximation in sense," discounts this connection based on "date and early associations." Liberman also denies it, as well as any connection with French langue. Rather, he derives it elaborately from an old word meaning "narrow piece of land." Sense of "very informal language characterized by vividness and novelty" first recorded 1818. A word that ought to have survived is slangwhanger (1807, American English) "noisy or abusive talker or writer."
"special vocabulary of tramps or thieves," later "jargon of a particular profession"

Tikrai, šiuolaikinis slengas: pritraukti ... sumą.

Ne trečią.


... ho Magnes lithos ...


Forget it!

 magnificus m (feminine magnifica, neuter magnificum); first/second declension
  1. great, noble, distinguished, eminent, august
  2. splendid, rich, fine, costly, sumptuous, magnificent
29. Magnificus 2013-04-25 11:26 IP:  
713,55 milijono litų - tokią sumą esu numatęs pritraukti per 2014–2020 metus!



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